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I love how loud my St. Jude aortic valve is. You can hear it ticking about six feet away in a quiet room. I have a pacemaker and history of A-Fib, so it's reassuring to get an audible check on my rate and rhythm.
Damn that would drive me crazy. I have had one person say they can hear my On-X, but that person say a ticking clock drives them nuts. My wife can’t hear it unless she puts her ear to my chest.
I had a St Jude aortic valve put in 6 years ago. The sound has been one of my biggest issues over the years. I can feel and hear each beat. I hear the missed beats and irregular beats to the point hat it has scared me in the past. After wearing a Holter monitor for a month, the conclusion was that its normal for that irregularity. It happens to everyone, I am just much more aware. Someone posted that you get used to it and don’t hear it after time. That’s not true for me, but it is true that I accept it as part of living.
I had my mechanical valve put in me in August 2016 still bear it every night and also when I roll over from side to side seems to sound like it speeds up.dont really bother me and I look at it as hey it's ticking I'm alive.