Katie Update (from Carepage)

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2004
Columbus, OH
Just read this on Katie's carepage--she needs lots of prayers right now!!! And for janet and Don too as they worry about their little girl....

Hello to all....this is not Janet, but Kim (mama to Xander). I just got off the phone with Janet and Katie needs all our prayers right now. They were able to do a valve repair and they completed to fontan...all was good. They closed her up and then while still in the OR her blood pressure bottomed out and they don't know why. They have had to open her back up and there is a chance that they may need to take the fontan back down. PLEASE, PLEASE send out strong prayers for our little princess that things will turn around for her, that the fontan will not need to be taken down and she will handle the pressures. Please ask any and all friends, family, heart groups to think and pray for Katie right now. Janet and Don are obviously worried about their little girl right now and would appreciate your prayers. Katie is a strong little girl who needs us right now. I will most definitely give any updates Janet passes on to me.
Thanks for the update Perkicar

Thanks for the update Perkicar

Janet and Katie certainly have my prayers going on really strong during this time. I will send up the best prayers and wishes that my sick ole body can muster up...Harrybaby666
All VR. Members

All VR. Members

Let's all band together......Now..and PRAy..PRAY for Katie.....Nothing else on VR.Com seems important to me (Threads)..until I hear from..How Katie is doing......Let's try to reach out and hold hands and Pray... :) :) :) :) :) For this sweet child and her parents... :) :) :) :) Bonnie
We are sending Katie and her folks all the prayers we can. So sorry to read this update, but I have faith that she will make the turn for the better.
I hope not...

I hope not...

Poor wee thing! Although things might not look too good for Katie at this moment, I have faith that God will make sure she comes out of this whole mess ok soon! I'll keep on praying and now, more than ever!! Hope to hear some better news next time I check this thread.
43 members on VR.Com now

43 members on VR.Com now

Please call everyone you know..church, friends and ask for prayers.. :) Bonnie
I am praying harder than I ever have that God will heal her quickly and completely.
Janet, all our thoughts are with you and your family.
Compassionate God,
I ask that you heal our precious Katie.
That you enable the surgeons, whom You have gifted,
to put her little heart together in a way that will allow her to live a long, happy life.
I ask that you be with Janet and Don, and the rest of their family and friends, as they go through the unbearable wait time. Wrap Your loving arms around them and hold them close. Enable them to feel Your presence and love. Strengthen the surgeons and give them abilities that even they didn't know they have. Shine Your light and show them the way.
Let's try to keep this thread at the top of the post surgery forum. We need all members to see it so they can help NOW! If it starts getting bumped down, we can post to get it back up.
If you go to http://www.carepages.com and register, you can put in Katie's name, Katelyn Steffen and get all the updates as they are posted, plus leave a message for Janet and family. Once you are registered, they will send you an email when an update is posted.
Karlynn said:
Compassionate God,
I ask that you heal our precious Katie.
That you enable the surgeons, whom You have gifted,
to put her little heart together in a way that will allow her to live a long, happy life.
I ask that you be with Janet and Don, and the rest of their family and friends, as they go through the unbearable wait time. Wrap Your loving arms around them and hold them close. Enable them to feel Your presence and love. Strengthen the surgeons and give them abilities that even they didn't know they have. Shine Your light and show them the way.

Amen and amen
Just read the update...

Just read the update...

I, too, just read the update and will be saying many prayers for Katie & her family. This is not the news I had expected (nor wanted) to hear and I'm devastated. I can only imagine how Janet is feeling. She was nervous enough going into this surgery, now to have this happen... =(

I am with you all in praying for a quick turn around for Katie, and some peace for Janet and family as they cope with this situation.
We are praying as hard for Katie, Janet and Don and with as much love we can humanly muster.
Many, many prayers and good thoughts are coming your way, darling Katie. May God be with you, Janet and Don, as you face this trial. We're all here for you in spirit.
I'll be keeping Katie, Janet & Don in my thoughts and hoping Katies fighting spirit overcomes this setback.
