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Jun 9, 2001
Texas Hill Country
Hello all my good friends out there! I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying a healthy and full life these days..! I'm giving it my best shot!!

What do you think about this?? I got off the Alere Medicare scheme back in June and told my cardio about it and she was/is in total agreement for me to use my own CoaguChek XS and call if and when I'm out of range. I've been in range since then, so no phone calls required.

I called in to my pharmacy to refill my Warfarin this morning and the cardio's office called me (new gal I never have talked to before) and she told me that they would NOT refill my Warfarin unless I provided them with a printout of my INR results! She told me that other patients provide her (the office) with a printout. I asked her if she'd checked with Miss M who is my Warfarin manager and she said she had..

I told her I've been hometesting since 1999 and that when I turned 65 and got on Medicare that I decided to go with them. Well, I didn't like all the mess/red tape with them plus they were more expensive on an annual basis than me buying my own machine/supplies and testing myself.

Previously I have had long discussions with my Warfarin manager and my cardio and both never said anything about a "printout". Well, I searched google and can't even find where the CoaguChek XS has a printout contraption available. In fact, there is no port on the machine to plug into..

This should get interesting..
Hi Shezagirlie. Where you been? I haven't seen any posts from you and wondered if everything was OK. My own experience in trying to deal with Alere and Medicare was that the left hand never seemed to know what the right hand was doing......maybe you are having that problem within your Cardios office.

My PCP has suggested to me that I should consider going on "self testing" since he trusts me to do my own monitoring but I am reluctant to do that because of all the confusion between the docs, Medicare and servicing companies(Alere). I am going to let you yunguns work out the problems and I may jump into self testing again. I would love to get my own meter and strips and test at my convenience again.....but I am to "tite" and impatient to do it without insuranace $$ participation. 'Till they get the routine simplified, I will keep going to my docs office and let them "screawwwww around with the paperwork". Glad you're back.
Hello all my good friends out there! I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying a healthy and full life these days..! I'm giving it my best shot!!

What do you think about this?? I got off the Alere Medicare scheme back in June and told my cardio about it and she was/is in total agreement for me to use my own CoaguChek XS and call if and when I'm out of range. I've been in range since then, so no phone calls required.

I called in to my pharmacy to refill my Warfarin this morning and the cardio's office called me (new gal I never have talked to before) and she told me that they would NOT refill my Warfarin unless I provided them with a printout of my INR results! She told me that other patients provide her (the office) with a printout. I asked her if she'd checked with Miss M who is my Warfarin manager and she said she had..

I told her I've been hometesting since 1999 and that when I turned 65 and got on Medicare that I decided to go with them. Well, I didn't like all the mess/red tape with them plus they were more expensive on an annual basis than me buying my own machine/supplies and testing myself.

Previously I have had long discussions with my Warfarin manager and my cardio and both never said anything about a "printout". Well, I searched google and can't even find where the CoaguChek XS has a printout contraption available. In fact, there is no port on the machine to plug into..

This should get interesting..

So happy to see you too, Ms. Janie! And here I thought you were just cruising around the world taking in all the beautiful sights!!!

I too get pretty frustrated with how the system works or doesn't work! I bought my own machine, out of my pocket but in order for me to get Medicare to pay for the strips and/or other supplies, I have to call in my INR results to Alere!!! And, you would think that my doctor is receiving this information......THEY ARE NOT!!! Just the other day, when I visited my PCP, he asked me about my INR readings, so I know for a fact, they are not receiving a thing!!!So I am playing my own doctor!

My INR machine does have a port for a printer but I have never used one. The readings are kept in the machine's memory but I haven't reviewed how far back they go!

Does the Coaguchek XS keep readings in memory? If it does, find out how far back would be acceptable to your cardio, make your own spreadsheet and present that to them.

Nice seeing you!!! :)
Helloooooo Janie!

Of course I know nothing about testing, but I have a question. The gal from your cardio's office says they won't refill your warfarin but isn't that a bunch of hooey? I mean, really, can they withhold a medication prescription that you absolutely have to have? If you stroked out, would they be liable?
I pay out of pocket, or else I'd be paying $258 per month to Allere for them to do nothing at all!!!! I always called in to both Allere and my doctor when I was on that plan. It was way too expensive.
I keep a chart of my dose and INR and take it to my cardio when I see him. I self manage, but I understand I'm the only one in his practice that does, and he's pretty liberal about home monitoring! He has a great ACT nurse.
Of course, I'm an absolute angel of a patient (snicker, true, but snicker anyway).

You could just ask them if they want you to call in your INR each week, directly to them.
Jean, Medicare can go hang if they require Allere's "service" for payment. What a rip off!
A couple other ideas -- even if you tested weekly, it sounds like you wouldn't have more than a dozen or so results to print out.

I have been keeping a spreadsheet of all my tests since I first started self-testing. I kept it for my own information, and just in case some doctor asked to see if I was tracking it and had any idea what I was doing.

You can start a simple spreadsheet - date of test, time of test, results (and, if you know it, dosage), and copy your results into that spreadsheet. It shouldn't take very long to do. The data should be in your meter.

Once you have this spreadsheet, you can present it to that new nurse, and she should be very satisfied. (If your doctor's office did testing with an XS, perhaps they'd have a data cable and could print the results for you).

There are probably other doctors who, once seeing your spreadsheet, would have no trouble prescribing warfarin for you.
JANIE! Where HAVE you been? Sorry I can't help with the testing and ACT management - I managed to get away from warfarin once my post-op afib cleared up.

It is good to hear from you, though, and to hear that the big things are going well.

One more thing -- certainly NOT a recommendation -- is going outside the traditional medical system for warfarin. I did this a few years ago when I had no doctor, no money, and no other (apparent) way to get warfarin. I bought my warfarin from a pharmacy in India -- I didn't completely trust it, so I closely monitored my INR with my meter. When I found a doctor who WOULD prescribe my warfarin, I began using the generics from my local pharmacy - still testing for equivalence in my body.

It's certainly not advisable to use an untraditional source for something as sensitive as warfarin -- you can probably find a doctor who is willing to prescribe it for you -- but if all efforts fail, there ARE other sources. (Although, again, I am making NO recommendations here)
Hi Janie,

Good to see your post!
I have been keeping my own spreadsheets since I began home testing 12 years ago. Whenever I go to my PCP, or my Cardiologist, I give them a copy. Ain't no big deal, and my own spreadsheet also gives me a historical record to refer back to. I usually keep side notes on it as to why I adjusted my dosage. ie... vacation, party weekend, on antibiotics, etc...

I did make a cardiologist change a few years ago, and he requested that I do call my results into the hospital Coumadin Lab nurses. They all know me now, and in the past 2 years since I have done this, they have never questioned my dosage adjustments. They also immediately post my called-in results to my on-line hospital record. That was all my doctors have a visual of my INR history when they pull up my record.

Just start your own spreadsheet, and turn it in.
Use the memory results on your unit to build your prior INR result history and give it to them to shut them up,and then you can move on.

All best my friend,

I've been keeping basically the same information that Rob does. Unfortunately my anticoagulation clinic has FORBIDDEN me from doing self-testing. They are more comfortable with a monthly blood draw than weekly home testing.

I'm still doing my weekly testing and managment (which usually means that I don't change a thing), and keep them happy with monthly blood draws.

If your spreadsheet doesn't satisfy your doctor (or his anal nurses), another doctor should be very happy to prescribe warfarin for you.
Every day above ground is a good day..!

Every day above ground is a good day..!

We've been out there enjoying life. Whoever thinks there's no life post OHS -- well, in just the last year we've hit the shores, mountains, cities, rivers and countrysides of a few places: Honduras, Belize, Mexico, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xian, Chongquin, Yangze River, Beijing, Denver, Golden, Snowmass, Las Vegas, San Diego, San Juan, Puerto Rico and surrounds, Long Beach, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Volendam, Edam, Arnhem, Nijmegen, Antwerp, Ghent, Brugges, Willemstad, Kinderdijk, Utrecht, Cozumel, St. George & Hamilton, Bermuda, London UK, Grand Caymen, whew....and we're not done yet!

I have no fear of purchasing meds in other countries and have done so in Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, the UK, China and France with no problems whatsoever!

Lo and behold, the newbie gal in my cardio's office called today and had was dancin' to a different tune. Seems now all I have to do is "call in every couple of months with your readings and we'll refill your Warfarin"....so, done deal. They actually gave me a 6 month supply!

Muchas gracias for all your good comments, I love all y'all and I'll try to get around here a little more often. Just remember - every day above ground is a good day!!
We've been out there enjoying life. Whoever thinks there's no life post OHS -- well, in just the last year we've hit the shores, mountains, cities, rivers and countrysides of a few places: Honduras, Belize, Mexico, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xian, Chongquin, Yangze River, Beijing, Denver, Golden, Snowmass, Las Vegas, San Diego, San Juan, Puerto Rico and surrounds, Long Beach, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Volendam, Edam, Arnhem, Nijmegen, Antwerp, Ghent, Brugges, Willemstad, Kinderdijk, Utrecht, Cozumel, St. George & Hamilton, Bermuda, London UK, Grand Caymen, whew....and we're not done yet!

I have no fear of purchasing meds in other countries and have done so in Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, the UK, China and France with no problems whatsoever!

Lo and behold, the newbie gal in my cardio's office called today and had was dancin' to a different tune. Seems now all I have to do is "call in every couple of months with your readings and we'll refill your Warfarin"....so, done deal. They actually gave me a 6 month supply!

Muchas gracias for all your good comments, I love all y'all and I'll try to get around here a little more often. Just remember - every day above ground is a good day!!

yes, BUT you still didnt make it to NJ :)
Glad things worked out like thy should have from the begnning
Hey there!

Hey there!

yes, BUT you still didnt make it to NJ :)
Glad things worked out like thy should have from the begnning

How could I have forgotten to mention your beautiful Garden State!! Yep, we touched ground and spent the night at EWR - much too short a visit last month. Next time maybe we could hook up for lunch/dinner!
How could I have forgotten to mention your beautiful Garden State!! Yep, we touched ground and spent the night at EWR - much too short a visit last month. Next time maybe we could hook up for lunch/dinner!

Sounds like a plan, we live close to Philly, but both Don and Just work in AC at a couple casinos
We've been out there enjoying life. Whoever thinks there's no life post OHS -- well, in just the last year we've hit the shores, mountains, cities, rivers and countrysides of a few places: Honduras, Belize, Mexico, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xian, Chongquin, Yangze River, Beijing, Denver, Golden, Snowmass, Las Vegas, San Diego, San Juan, Puerto Rico and surrounds, Long Beach, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Volendam, Edam, Arnhem, Nijmegen, Antwerp, Ghent, Brugges, Willemstad, Kinderdijk, Utrecht, Cozumel, St. George & Hamilton, Bermuda, London UK, Grand Caymen, whew....and we're not done yet!

I have no fear of purchasing meds in other countries and have done so in Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, the UK, China and France with no problems whatsoever!

Lo and behold, the newbie gal in my cardio's office called today and had was dancin' to a different tune. Seems now all I have to do is "call in every couple of months with your readings and we'll refill your Warfarin"....so, done deal. They actually gave me a 6 month supply!

Muchas gracias for all your good comments, I love all y'all and I'll try to get around here a little more often. Just remember - every day above ground is a good day!!

Wow, lifestyles of the rich and famous ;-)
Fortunately my INR is super stable and my GP is super laid back. He only asks that i call every few months to give him my INRs which
he copies into my file. And I always have a list here; 5 years worth=5 little sheets of paper.