Heart rate increasing post surgery?

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Supporting Member
Jan 5, 2014
Minnesota, US
My heart rate is definitely increasing since MVR, especially during the last month, as just confirmed by a pacemaker interrogation.

The first 6 weeks after surgery it was high (like 85-90 resting) but since late December I’ve gotten more than a hundred 100+ high heart rate notifications at rest from the Apple Watch including while sleeping and resting heart rate overall is also going up. I was a couple hours late on my metoprolol once day last week and my resting heart rate was 118.

They’ve increased metoprolol tartrate to 75 mg twice a day but said this kind of steady increase is unusual.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I feel pretty good but wanna make sure I’m assertive enough about dx and treatment of this issue.

My heart rate is definitely increasing since MVR, especially during the last month, as just confirmed by a pacemaker interrogation.
sorry to hear that ... is there any info about wave form or is that "normal" that the only issue is that the absolute rate has risen? I recall that when I went to hospital (2022 iirc, but well after my surgery) my tachycardia (140 or so) didn't have a P wave component.


I understood that this was a symptom of supraventricular tachycardia.

I was prescribed metoprolol tartrate and so far that's been working for me, however I totally can't tolerate alcohol in any amount or it all goes to hell in a handbasket

The first 6 weeks after surgery it was high (like 85-90 resting)
mine was up slightly over that ... but it eventually came down ... took a few months as I recall

but since late December I’ve gotten more than a hundred 100+ high heart rate notifications at rest from the Apple Watch including while sleeping and resting heart rate overall is also going up.

try actually counting pulse to verify that its what that says, but its entirely possible ... sometimes when I forget my metoprolol in the mornings that happens ...

I was a couple hours late on my metoprolol once day last week and my resting heart rate was 118.

yep ... the tartrate is shorter duration but does start acting in an hour or two for me. This especially happens to me if I'm also doing more in my gym work out and combine that with forgetting the AM dose ...

They’ve increased metoprolol tartrate to 75 mg twice a day but said this kind of steady increase is unusual.

I'm no cardiologist but yes, I'd tend to agree that its a sign that maybe a different drug could / should be tried ... there are alternatives.

I feel pretty good but wanna make sure I’m assertive enough about dx and treatment of this issue.

I think you sound on top of it, un-panicked, engaged and curious. All those are good things to be. Being on warfarin already the primary danger issue (thrombosis) is covered, so its just annoying. Perhaps alcohol or coffee is playing a part ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope you get to the bottom of it soon

Best Wishes
Thanks for the info. Yeah I gave up caffeine and alcohol after getting afib in the months prior to MVR, I wasn’t that attached to either.

The data are definitely real because I have a pacemaker tracking me 24/7. But, I have to notice something to have them interrogate the device and look at the data beyond quarterly checks.

They said it’s definitely not afib - I only had 3 very mild and short episode of that post surgery and none since November - but I don’t know about other arrhythmias.

Good point that the warfarin is helping with risk management as is the LAAL I had. It is mostly just annoying as it does wake me up sometimes. They will try flecainide again if the metoprolol doesn’t work. I felt terrible on that pre surgery but hard to tell what was the drug and how much was just needing valve replacement.
I'm curious if they plan to prescribe you flecainide. When I had atrial fibrillation and flutter last October, my cardiologist mentioned that they typically don't prescribe flecainide to patients with mechanical heart valves.

Good luck. Wishing you well.
Yikes, Eva, Dr Google sure agrees with you!

I think the nurse line was maybe more just asking if I was on it, since it’s on my past medications list from before surgery. Hopefully!
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my cardiologist mentioned that they typically don't prescribe flecainide to patients with mechanical heart valves.

Yikes, Eva, Dr Google sure agrees with you!

not as I read Dr Google:


The main contraindications for treatment with flecainide are ischemic heart disease, hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), congestive heart failure, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, degree 2 and 3 atrioventricular blocks, complete bundle branch block and significant liver and kidney disease (Table 1) [1].

also worth reading:


Overall 25 patients were enrolled after screening 64 (n = 37 excluded, n = 11 due to Post MVR duration more than 2 Years, n = 14 due to evidence of LAA clot by TOE, n = 7 due to LA size >80 mm, n = 5 due to LV or RV dysfunction or severe PAH). The mean age was 34.43 ± 12.3 years and mean AF duration was 3.65 ± 1.6 years. Other baseline demographics and operative details are summarized in Table 1.​
Table 1. Baseline characteristics.

St. Jude's mechanical valve22/25 patients

again, "as I read" ... I'm not a cardiologist
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