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I have been receiving a lot of response since I joined the site. Thanks for the encouragement. Taking it easy is difficult as I had just started to finish off a basement bedroom when my Dr gave me the results of the Stress Test. This has now been put on hold and of course my wife won't let me do anything, so the computer keeps me occupied and will likely be the same following surgery. I was surprised to have surgery scheduled so quickly following my Angiogram (5 weeks), so perhaps my condition is more serious than thought. I have heard great things about the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and at this point no sign of denial, although that will likely come.
Regards, Gord

Yes, it is hard to come to grips with the fact that we need such a surgery. Don't worry, you will get that basement room finished off down the road.
When I was going for a Stress Test (in 2005) they did a pre test echo and determined that putting me on the treadmill could be fatal. Ouch. At that point I couldn't do anything anyway, and had showed up for my test in a wheelchair, so my denial was a bit obvious. ;-)
A few weeks later I had the angio which showed my valve at .8 cm and I was on the table 12 days later.
My surgeon glared at me when I asked for more time. :D
Welcome to the forum Gord! I like your horsey avatar picture, are you a horseman too?
I am 7 weeks out from having an aortic valve replacement (ATS open pivot mechanical valve) and Tricuspid valve repair. I already feel as if the clock has been turned back 10 - 20 years! It is great that the docs have figured it makes sense to fix everything at one time.
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Jeanie, The avatar is of the RCMP Musical Ride. Although I went through training when Riding was part of the ciriculum, I was not chosen for the ride. I was in the Force for 20 years and took an early retirement to persue interests in the private sector. I am new to this Heart Disease topic and it was only two weeks ago that I had the Angiogram where is found that I have two blocked arteries and moderate aortic sentosis. Since they are going to open me up, it was decided to go ahead and do the valve along with the bypass. I will meet my surgeon on Mar 17th just two weeks before my surgery so I don't know what procedure I will get; I wonder if there is a choice ie ATS open pivot mechanical valve, bovine, porcine etc? The mechanical valve seems more interesting to me as they last longer than the tissue valve. I checked your profile and did not see any history; what were your syptoms and how long before you got attention?
Gord, I am impressed by what my surgeon told me about the valve and the ATS website. (http://www.atsmedical.com and http://www.atsmedical.com/uploadedFiles/Public_Site/Products/Mechanical_Valves/st_broc_AP360R1.pdf). I am 58, and the surgeon said the valve will outlast me (expected useful life of the valve is 100 years, so that means little likelihood of needing surgery again). Thanks for explaining the avatar. I saw the RCMP musical ride many years ago, and was very impressed. My sport is horseback riding, and I hope to be back in the saddle no later than June! (Surgery was mid January.) I am currently horseless, but luckily have some friends willing to share theirs with me.
