Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....2-20-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Here we go on another week ..... How exciting:rolleyes::p .... From the reports last week we have had some ups, downs and struggles .... that's part of it ... if we lost every week it would be easy, and its not .... we can do it if we stick together and encourage one another ....:)
I haven't posted in this thread because it seems im simply treading water. I float between 200 and 205. I'm running, lifting weights, spin classes, eating fish and have kept the beers down to a minimum and can't seem to crack the old 200lb marker. Im in the gym at LEAST 3 or 4 times a week. My only indulgence is Friday night the wife and I go out to eat mexican (I can't NOT have queso) and a few Coronas. Also maybe a beer or two on Sunday watching football or playing golf.

Any suggestions ? I'd really like to get down to 185.
Down a pound this week .... I thought it would be more considering my lack of appetite but I'll take it......

Starting weight.......233
Last Week .............195
This week...............194
Total Loss ..............39
I haven't posted in this thread because it seems im simply treading water. I float between 200 and 205. I'm running, lifting weights, spin classes, eating fish and have kept the beers down to a minimum and can't seem to crack the old 200lb marker. Im in the gym at LEAST 3 or 4 times a week. My only indulgence is Friday night the wife and I go out to eat mexican (I can't NOT have queso) and a few Coronas. Also maybe a beer or two on Sunday watching football or playing golf.

Any suggestions ? I'd really like to get down to 185.

You sound as if you'll fit in with many of us!;) I know I've battled since Fall to lose and keep the pounds off. It appears you're getting enough exercise, but I wonder if you're underestimating the calories you're taking in? You might try keeping a food journal for a week and see.
Weight Watchers uses a point system (about 50 calories per point) that you might find helpful. Maybe our fearless leader, Cooker, will share the number of points he's allowed using the WW system so you'd have an idea.
Anyway, I'm glad you posted and hope you stick around.:)
Superblob, uh I mean bob, will weigh in tomorrow. Hope to have pared a pound or two off my recent excess by then.

Scott, with your exercise, sounds like you might be in the category of muscle weighs more than fat, and your BMI might be good even though scales don't give the number you'd like. Mary's idea of a food journal is good, though; maybe there's a little cutback in careless eating that could occur (a lot in my case).

The Throwdown is more important than ever for me. Thanks for keeping it going, Cooker, and thanks for your inspirational example!
I am not going to weigh thyroid is off--way off. I'm hardly eating
at all and all I'm accomplishing is maintaining the loss I had a few weeks ago.
Can't imagine what would happen if I ate normally.
I know I need to exercise more also,I'm just stuck on neutral(like ctyguy)
-could someone give me a push!?
I haven't posted in this thread because it seems im simply treading water. I float between 200 and 205. I'm running, lifting weights, spin classes, eating fish and have kept the beers down to a minimum and can't seem to crack the old 200lb marker. Im in the gym at LEAST 3 or 4 times a week. My only indulgence is Friday night the wife and I go out to eat mexican (I can't NOT have queso) and a few Coronas. Also maybe a beer or two on Sunday watching football or playing golf.

Any suggestions ? I'd really like to get down to 185.

Welcome to the ThrowDown ?. The suggestion to journal what you eat is a good one ? I find that if I am not mindful about everything that goes in my mouth I seem to ?forget? a snack here and a nibble there ? Weight Watchers has a point system to slowly move you toward your target weight and if you stay with in your points you will lose weight ? you can have anything you want ?. Pie has more points than salad but you make the choice ? I actually joined and started going to meetings with my wife last September and it has made a world of difference ? if that does not appeal to you, you can join and do it on line ? as far as muscle weighing more than fat, true, but you know if you have fat you need to lose ?. I still subscribe to the equation: burn more than you take in you lose, take in more than you burn you gain ? I know there are those with medical issues that this over simplified train of reasoning does not apply but if you do not have any underlying medical issues then it should work for you ?. Good luck.
Superblob, uh I mean bob, will weigh in tomorrow. Hope to have pared a pound or two off my recent excess by then.

Scott, with your exercise, sounds like you might be in the category of muscle weighs more than fat, and your BMI might be good even though scales don't give the number you'd like. Mary's idea of a food journal is good, though; maybe there's a little cutback in careless eating that could occur (a lot in my case).

The Throwdown is more important than ever for me. Thanks for keeping it going, Cooker, and thanks for your inspirational example!

Bob ... I you and I are the kings of the "up and down" .... just don't give up ... eating out and losing is very tough .... get in that kitchen and whip up some new low fat creations:D
I am not going to weigh thyroid is off--way off. I'm hardly eating
at all and all I'm accomplishing is maintaining the loss I had a few weeks ago.
Can't imagine what would happen if I ate normally.
I know I need to exercise more also,I'm just stuck on neutral(like ctyguy)
-could someone give me a push!?

Puuuuuush:D .... just stick with it Dina ..... the thyroid problem makes it hard but you are not gaining .... we are with you all the way:)
I'm still in the same spot, dang it. I lost 2 pounds over the weekend because I hardly ate during the agility trial, but it came back, of course.
I thought you might enjoy this kindergarten picture I found of me and my fraternal twin at the zoo:D

Glad you're not letting that one bizarre incident, much in the news, of a chimp run amok get you down, Mr. Chimp. We all know that humans run amok much more frequently than do chimps. Sounds like the now deceased chimp may have had a bad go with human meds.....
Glad you're not letting that one bizarre incident, much in the news, of a chimp run amok get you down, Mr. Chimp. We all know that humans run amok much more frequently than do chimps. Sounds like the now deceased chimp may have had a bad go with human meds.....

That was a sad ordeal ? it has been proven over and over that wild animals do not make good pets and their behavior is at best unpredictable (TheChimp being the exception:D) ? people that keep snakes, wolves, apes etc put themselves and others at risk ?.
The Chimp...Did you see his size??? WOW,I have never seen one so fat.
Maybe thats what got him so angry- they put him on a diet.
Quite a story that one...I'm glad our resident chimp is of the nice friendly variety....and he is still getting skinneir too!...Mrs Chimp must be so proud.

I have managed to drop 2 lbs or so this week....and I even know why and how. A lot of dedication and being absolutely true to myself with couting the calories etc of what goes into my mouth and lots of water and walkies.

I am a Carboholic so I have been diligent for 3 days paying close attention to the types of food I eat and am finally winning :D...well at least I am winning this week...maybe by Easter I will be close to where I have been trying to get ever since thes here throwdown began.:D

I will be brave and accountable and post what my scales read this morning...
163 :(
aiming for about 140-145lbs.

I will be brave and accountable and post what my scales read this morning...
163 :(
aiming for about 140-145lbs.

Do you find that your what you are supposed to be isn't right for you?
When I weighed 140,I looked skeletal so my aim is 150(and I am only 5'5).
Regardless I still have about 20 to your 163 looks good to me:D

Good luck with reducing your does get easier. I hardly ever even
take a look at bread ,rice,potatoes or sugar anymore...yeah,right!:rolleyes:
Quite a story that one...I'm glad our resident chimp is of the nice friendly variety....and he is still getting skinneir too!...Mrs Chimp must be so proud.

I have managed to drop 2 lbs or so this week....and I even know why and how. A lot of dedication and being absolutely true to myself with couting the calories etc of what goes into my mouth and lots of water and walkies.

I am a Carboholic so I have been diligent for 3 days paying close attention to the types of food I eat and am finally winning :D...well at least I am winning this week...maybe by Easter I will be close to where I have been trying to get ever since thes here throwdown began.:D

I will be brave and accountable and post what my scales read this morning...
163 :(
aiming for about 140-145lbs.

Great job!!! .... carbs are my biggest weakness and once I get started on them I can't stop... good carbs or ok but at times boring:eek:
Do you find that your what you are supposed to be isn't right for you?
When I weighed 140,I looked skeletal so my aim is 150(and I am only 5'5).
Regardless I still have about 20 to your 163 looks good to me:D

Good luck with reducing your does get easier. I hardly ever even
take a look at bread ,rice,potatoes or sugar anymore...yeah,right!:rolleyes:

If I weighed what the chart says I would look like a corpse .... My goal is to get to where I am happy with myself and the way I look and feel .... bump the charts .... everyone is different......