Cooker?s Throwdown Friday II ..... 3-20-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings!! ... I hope that everyone has had a good week! ... I am in a bit of a rush this morning (headed to the cardio for INR check) but of course this comes first:D .... I have managed to lose 2 more pounds this week!! ... I expect a plateau soon so I'll take it!! ... Remember, the only way we will not have success is if we quit!!! .... Oh, and a little mouse tells me we have some past members that may be showing back up:cool:

Starting weight.......233
Last Week ................188
This week..................186
Total Loss ..................47:D
Wow, Mr. Chimp, you are almost at a 50 pound loss! Congrats!

After being up a few early this week, Superbob has managed to stay even for the week -- no gain, no loss.

Goal for 2009: lose 20 pounds

So far: Down 8 pounds.

Superbob has not stayed the same through any astute eating, sleeping, or exercising patterns -- he and DW are moving from the mountains (too steep for us) to a one-level home in the South Carolina lowlands next door to their son and his family. And moving is hard work and stressful. They will be SB/DW's maintenance/security. SB/DW will be built-in babysitters for grandkids, 5 and 3. (Now, there's exercise!) Plus, Superdawg will have a splendid system of walking trails when SB and she just step right out the door -- no driving miles to a walking place, as here. There also will be an exercise facility and two huge pools just an easy walk away. :) (Superbob will not even mention the bikini-watching opportunities -- see, he didn't. :p )

But first SB and DW have to survive the packing and all that goes with moving -- it's hard, hard, hard.:eek:

Now there may be speculation about new levels of insanity when Superbob and The Chimp will be operating out of the same tropical climes. I guess The Ref is the only hope for preserving some decorum here. :D;)
Oh boy - hurricane season in South Carolina this year!!! So much personality in one state is going to stir up the atmosphere.

SB - I was wondering what was going on with you since you were talking about packing on Facebook. I figured you were taking a vacation. Congrats on the move - sounds like a great idea. I'd love to live near my kids and hope to one day.

I think we need to throw a party for Cooker's 50 pound loss celebration. We need to plan ahead - who's bringing the brownies (oops that would be my 50 lb loss celebration :rolleyes:) Who's bringing the Krispy Kremes???

I'll post my loss tomorrow (to give myself a chance to eek out a little more) but I will be posting a little bit of a loss.
Wow, Cooker, I am very impressed. Keep it going. Congratulations!

I am still on vacation from posting...mental vacation until I recollect my mind together, I will be able to control my weight better!

Superbob: I am very happy for you...the move will be great and there is nothing more rewarding than being close to people you love. Mind you, when I moved from VA to CA I easily lost about six lbs!!! Used to forget to eat. Good luck.

Karlyn, Count me in the party...I thought I would bring 'sneakers' but changed my mind as they are Cooker's weakness! I'll bring 'popcorn' :)
Thanks for the kind words!! Sounds like everyone is holding there own or losing?.. I feel we will see many reach their goals this year.

I know this should be in the ACT forum but I have a question. Does losing weight cause your IRN to rise? My diet is steady. You may remember that I plunged (INR) while sick and on antibiotics but when I went back to 5mg a day I was back to 2.5, two week later I tested 4.8 this morning?. As Al said one time INR stands for ?it?s never right? ?.

PS: 4.8 does not bother me a bit, I?ll just skip a dose tomorrow:D
I missed last week, but I'm still just maintaining. Every now and then I eek upwards or downwards, but nothing permanent. I did go for a walk on Monday because it was so pretty. Perhaps I'll do the same today. If not, tomorrow for sure!

Good work Cooker, SB, and Karlyn! You're inspirations! :D
Now there may be speculation about new levels of insanity when Superbob and The Chimp will be operating out of the same tropical climes. I guess The Ref is the only hope for preserving some decorum here.

Forget that!:eek: The Ref thinks maybe SHE will move to the lowlands . . . you know I've got friends in low places ;):p
Now there may be speculation about new levels of insanity when Superbob and The Chimp will be operating out of the same tropical climes. I guess The Ref is the only hope for preserving some decorum here.

Forget that!:eek: The Ref thinks maybe SHE will move to the lowlands . . . you know I've got friends in low places ;):p

LOL! Where the whiskey drowns. And the beer chases my blues away.
And it'll be okay. Well I'm not big on social graces...

So maybe I'll move there too. I think my daughter is only a few hours away, if that, from Cooker.
Good for you Cooker. You are setting a fine example for the rest of us. BUT, I have once again maintained my weight this week. I know I have alot of excuses but Hubby is stressing about all the people getting laid off where he works and we have had a few drinks and snacks when we get home from work each evening. He doesn't have to worry about getting laid off he is fourth in senority, but he feels for all the other guys with families. He was laid off 30 years ago for thirteen months and it was hard.
So, once again I am at 133 and have no loss or gain for the week.
Good for you Cooker. You are setting a fine example for the rest of us. BUT, I have once again maintained my weight this week. I know I have alot of excuses but Hubby is stressing about all the people getting laid off where he works and we have had a few drinks and snacks when we get home from work each evening. He doesn't have to worry about getting laid off he is fourth in senority, but he feels for all the other guys with families. He was laid off 30 years ago for thirteen months and it was hard.
So, once again I am at 133 and have no loss or gain for the week.

Good job Sue .... some stress eat and some stress fast .... I have been laid off and in the position where I was was safe but others were not ... the mood in such situations id horrible and the stress can be at times unbearable ... even when not in danger of losing your job the stress and emotions of dealing with these times are at best very hard.....
I'm down another pound. This makes a 7 pound loss since my "sweets fast" for Lent. This is going from my WW scale. What's interesting is that for the first time my Wii Fit had me weighing more than my WW scale - it's usually the reverse. I consider the WW scale more accurate. (and always have - it's just that I'd go by the Fit because it made me feel better - now it doesn't :()

I've been thinking about doing something like Cooker and set goals and hold off doing something until I reach that goal. Since the DH likes my long hair, I can't cut my hair (and it doesn't grow as fast as The Chimps - so that wouldn't work anyway.) So I was thinking- hmmmm - what could I do? I have come up with 2 ideas:
1. Don't shave my legs until I go below my benchmark
2. Don't brush my teeth until I go below my benchmark

Or maybe both??? :D What do ya think? ;)
I'm down another pound. This makes a 7 pound loss since my "sweets fast" for Lent. This is going from my WW scale. What's interesting is that for the first time my Wii Fit had me weighing more than my WW scale - it's usually the reverse. I consider the WW scale more accurate. (and always have - it's just that I'd go by the Fit because it made me feel better - now it doesn't :()

I've been thinking about doing something like Cooker and set goals and hold off doing something until I reach that goal. Since the DH likes my long hair, I can't cut my hair (and it doesn't grow as fast as The Chimps - so that wouldn't work anyway.) So I was thinking- hmmmm - what could I do? I have come up with 2 ideas:
1. Don't shave my legs until I go below my benchmark
2. Don't brush my teeth until I go below my benchmark

Or maybe both??? :D What do ya think? ;)

First of all congratulations on the lost pound:) ?. Secondly, since I don?t live or sleep with you option one or two or both would be fine by me:D:p
I stayed the same . . . amazing the way we ate at the Reunion!:eek:
Sue, good job! You are doing really well!:)
Congratulations Karlynn! :) I'm with Cooker; do as you wish!;) Whatever you're doing is working!:)
I am glad I stopped in this morning. I needed you guys!

Cooker you are such a leader!!! Yay!!! What perserverence! Good chimp!!

Superbob... lucky you... moving close to your grandkids! "Keep your eyes on the prize" and maybe that will help you through the drudgery of moving. And LET GO of some of the "stuff", "baggage" that you really do not need. We may choose to tone down our living space soon and I almost welcome sorting through all the unnecessary stuff.

I am definitely not attacking my problem of emotional eating. I have been drawn to salty foods and am feeling bouyant with water weight. I won't be stepping on a scale til next week. I also, yesterday, had to get a little bump sliced off of my face (cheek). I won't know about the biopsy result until next week. I've already had a pre-cancer taken off my nose (gosh, 15 years ago), and you simply cannot see the little scar line at all. This time, she (different doctor) seemed a bit more serious than she usually is. She will be out of town when the results come in and told me just to wait til she returns to schedule any next phase. She definitely "did not get it all" with this first procedure. I guess I'm okay with a little line, but I really just am not in the mood for a divot on my face. So I guess when I bought the potato chips and then polished off some Ben and Jerry's last night, I was being vain!!! :p:D:mad:;) Kind of a mixed up kettle of fish on that one!!! :p
The bandaid comes off today and I'll wear my black stitches for a week. Then, hopefully, I can put off whatever needs doing until after May because our daughter graduates from college and we are all going to fly out to be and all. I can't imagine a freezing procedure having time to heal by then on my fair face. :(

Whine, whine. Why can't I be one of those people who stops eating when things get weird? On a good note, my textbooks have arrived and I am pouring into them. 9 hours of online courses in education and child psychology (need to update my teaching license) .... my cup of tea, actually!!! I think it will be fun and hopefully not TOO much work! I need to start right and only keep a glass of water nearby! Don't want to snack!!! :eek:

Thanks for listening!! Keep up the great work everyone!

I'm glad you posted, Marguerite. I always feel like I'm there, listening to you, when you post.
Can't advise you on the potato chips and Ben & Jerry's . . . sounds like a good coping skill to me!;)
I'm down another pound. This makes a 7 pound loss since my "sweets fast" for Lent. This is going from my WW scale. What's interesting is that for the first time my Wii Fit had me weighing more than my WW scale - it's usually the reverse. I consider the WW scale more accurate. (and always have - it's just that I'd go by the Fit because it made me feel better - now it doesn't :()

I've been thinking about doing something like Cooker and set goals and hold off doing something until I reach that goal. Since the DH likes my long hair, I can't cut my hair (and it doesn't grow as fast as The Chimps - so that wouldn't work anyway.) So I was thinking- hmmmm - what could I do? I have come up with 2 ideas:
1. Don't shave my legs until I go below my benchmark
2. Don't brush my teeth until I go below my benchmark

Or maybe both??? :D What do ya think? ;)

Uh, Karlynn, Superbob suggests you clear it with hubby before trying incentives like that.

Alternatively, Superbob suggests a vow to refrain from scrumptious fudge brownies until you have attained your goal. At that point, Superbob (who has Ref experience) says you may enjoy a whole platter of them, hot right out of the oven, with super-rich vanilla ice cream on top. Yum -- enjoy!

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