BAV stenosis moved to severe…what now?

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Bee Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 8, 2024
Exton PA
Hi all, well I have been in the waiting room for 7 years and the news today is I am in the severe range after my yearly echo. How important is it to move quickly getting more diagnostic testing and set up an appointment with a surgeon. I want to do everything now but the system is slowing me down. My cardiologist is out sick for atleast 3 weeks, so I am seeing his assistant nurse to get scripts for several tests but Who knows how long it will take to schedule them. I have been having edema for two months now, and yesterday I had a rapid heart and then low BP and rapid pulse. I’m feeling very confused about how urgent this all is.
Hi all, well I have been in the waiting room for 7 years and the news today is I am in the severe range after my yearly echo................ feeling very confused about how urgent this all is.
I would get in touch with your Cardios office to schedule an appointment with another Cardio to answer your questions. Who knows how long your current Cardio will be off?

I have been in the waiting room for 7 years and the news today is I am in the severe range after my yearly echo.
ok ... well that didn't happen over night, so it was probably like that for a few weeks / months before this. So you've already been waiting. However ...
How important is it to move quickly getting more diagnostic testing and set up an appointment with a surgeon

Definition: its important that I pay my taxes. Its urgent that I go to the toilet right now.

So it is important, but how urgent it is depends on the data. If you have to wait 3 weeks to get to see your cariologist ask the "assistant nurse" for a referral NOW to see either:
  • another actual cardiologist
  • a surgeon
They will be best placed to look at the report and make decisions.

Do this at the earliest possible time (if they are still open when you read this, pick up that phone now).

I say now because while we (you and me) don't know the urgency of it, delay is not your best friend. So I'd say its important that you find out now if its urgent.

Best Wishes
What dick0236 said.

Also tell the nurse your symptoms and if they have changed. Ask them when to expect a call about scheduling additional testing and how quickly you need to get surgery based upon your current test results.
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Thank you all…some good advise. I’m recognizing that there are new symptoms that are telling me it is time. Thankfully I got my trip in to Scotland in April, and feel I did pretty well walking for 2 weeks all those hills and dales. But once I got home I could tell my stamina had decreased and then the edema started. I will be advocating for myself when I see the PA on Wednesday, and move things along as quickly as I can. I have already contacted a surgeon and talked with them about what testing they like to see on my first consultation. So I am in the system. Onward and upward!
Hi Bee,

Here’s my experience: been waiting for years, (just like you), then my aortic stenosis crossed over 4.0 (It was 4.1) and my Cardiologist said I was now severe and would need a new valve. But he also said that since it just recently crossed over into severe, there was no big hurry as I had few (if any) symptoms.(I was 82).

Long story short, he waited over a year before sending me for a TAVR.

If you want to read more info on how the TAVR went, please read my past posts, I should really update my story, but I’ve also learned that this group seems not that interested in TAVR experiences.
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