April Fools will always be my valveversary!

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 24, 2021
British Columbia
I just remembered that today marks one year since my aortic valve replacement. It feels like something worth celebrating, so after I post this we are going to open a bottle of wine! Other than the unfortunate complication of requiring a pacemaker after surgery, my recovery has been …uneventful. Maybe that’s why I almost forgot to mark the day.

I want to thank everyone on this board for their advice and support. I’m not much of a joiner, but you have been a tremendous help prior to and after my surgery. What I appreciate is that this group isn’t about just about having valve disease. It’s about living well and making the most of the second chance we have been given. Words can’t really express what that meant to me as I prepared for my surgery and as I went through my recovery. I so appreciate hearing the anniversary stories, they are very inspiring.

One year on, I really do feel great. My pacemaker works so well I often forget I have it. My heart doesn’t limit my exercise or activities at all, and the only medication I have to take for it is Warfarin, which really is no bid deal. Contrary to many if you, I eat a lot of spinach. Because like Popeye, I love it. (Somebody has too) And knock on wood, I still have all of my hair! I feel very fortunate to live in a time and place where having BAV is just a bump on the road of life and not a dead end. And I feel fortunate to have found this community genetic misfits.

To all those who are where I was a year or more ago, you’ve got this! Make the most of your recovery and you life after. Cheers!
And I feel fortunate to have found this community genetic misfits.

We're here for you Lynn


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