Any advice, suggestions or recommendations from fellow heart warriors would be and appreciated.
You and I share some common issues and concerns...
....we both have had aortic valves replaced. you recently and my valve several years ago.
....our valves are performing OK. yours biological mine mechanical
....we are both "seniors". you 78 me 85
....we were both very active thru our seventies. golf gym, etc
....we have both recently received a diagnosis of "pulmonary hypertension" PAH.
Over the last few years, I noticed a lack of stamina, shortness of breath, etc. In Jan 2022 I was diagnosed by my Internist and Cardio with PAH (the first time such a condition was mentioned to me). PAH, as it was explained to me, is "fatal and non-curable". My symptoms were so bad that I was referred to the Hosperus program for "end of life care" in March 2022. I was placed on 24 hour "in-home oxygen" and have improved to the point that I believe Hosperus will remove me and release me back to my regular doctor care in Sept. 2022. Like you, I am dumbfounded about what may be going on.......and I will be interested in any comments made by others.
PS: My 55th valve replacement anniversary of my only OHS is today, Aug 16, 1967 - Aug 16, 2022........Like my docs have always told me "the failure of your valve will not be what gets me in the end".......and OHS more than doubled my pre-surgery life expectancy (age 40)