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  1. Kathy McCain

    Johnny Stephens Jan.5, 1959---Jan.27, 2012

    Sorry to hear of his passing, much too young.
  2. Kathy McCain

    Surgery coming soon

    Brent, hang in there, it will all be over before you know it! So sorry for your re-scheduling. Good luck to you, stay positive, and stay in touch!
  3. Kathy McCain

    Year Four

    Happy fourth Debbie! Sounds like you are doing real well! Take care and keep in touch!
  4. Kathy McCain

    Um, I'm on TV.

    Debbie you did a great job, and you look terrific!! I absolutely believe that heart surgery and it's problems certainly can cause depression in some people....but I think any major illness can. As far as depression itself as a cause, I suppose it's possible, but I'm a bit skeptical with that...
  5. Kathy McCain

    Longevity of Tissue Valves

    Hi Matt! I have had my piggy valve for four yrs (Feb11) and my valve and heart according to my cardio are "doing great"! Good luck on your surgery and take care!
  6. Kathy McCain

    Fatigue..beta blocker issue?

    I was on Metoprolol 12 1/2 mgs for 2 1/2 years after surgery. I found it did make me fatiqued, and that was a very low dose. I've been off it for appox 1 1/2yr. For me, I did notice more energy once I discontinued. I have low bp, and it has always been on the low side. I was taking it to...
  7. Kathy McCain

    UP-DATE on Freddie

    Hi Freddie, Haven't been posting that much, and just read your posts tonight. Very sorry to hear of your troubles! Hang in there, keep your spirits up, and please keep us updated. Oh yes, like Agility dog says, please promise you will go the ER right away....IF this should happen again...
  8. Kathy McCain

    Day road trip: exploring!

    Hi Cort! Love the photos! Keep them coming! Hope you are feeling stronger, and better with each passing day friend!
  9. Kathy McCain

    Replacement valve failing, why?

    Ann, I am truly sorry your mother has to go through this! My first thought would be that there was something wrong with the valve itself, or maybe a mis-match?? Tissue valves ordinarily last much long, especially in the elderly.
  10. Kathy McCain

    All Systems Go..

    All the best to you Jeff! What a terrific Christmas present!!
  11. Kathy McCain

    2nd op easier than first!

    Thanks Mark, and everyone for the encouraging and positive posts!!! Good luck to you all!
  12. Kathy McCain

    You Might be Canadian :D

    Piglet, Oddly enough (or maybe not) it sounds very much like certain parts of Texas! Take care!
  13. Kathy McCain

    40 years of clicking and ticking

    Hi Joanne and John, What an inspiring story! May you have many more years ahead!
  14. Kathy McCain

    I'm back

    Hi Glenda! Good to see you posting! Sounds like you are doing well, and that it great!!!!!
  15. Kathy McCain

    I'm baaacck, w/open heart surgery "reasons"

    Hi Cort! It's great to hear you're on the mend! You must be one tough fellow, mentally, emotionally, and physically! Hugs
  16. Kathy McCain

    One Year Anniversary and So Grateful...

    Hi Kip, That is TERRFIC!!! You also have a great attitude! Keep it going!
  17. Kathy McCain

    Blurred vision after avr surgery

    I also have migraine "auras", but have had this all my adult life. Surgery didn't seem to effect that though.
  18. Kathy McCain

    Blurred vision after avr surgery

    Yes, I did have blurred vision. Had to change my lenses twice, before they got it right! I found that it is not permanent though. No one advised me to wait 3mos, but maybe I should have. Take care
  19. Kathy McCain

    Echo report

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes!! Take care
  20. Kathy McCain

    "big zipper" vs. "minimally invasive"

    I have had only one surgery so far, which was done minimally invasive through the sternum. My incision is no longer than 3inches. I took over a year to feel normal againthough.