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  1. netmiff

    it's me !!!!!

    Ross, you're in your very own user-group now, and are not expected to say good things about me :D;)
  2. netmiff

    Did we misplace someone?

    AHA, I found the guilty party! thanks for worrying, all is OK, see the thread I started. and Bina, thanks for letting everyone know I am OK.
  3. netmiff

    it's me !!!!!

    Hi there, someone over on FaceBook said I was missed; just been busy, trying to get into social media with the business, it is consuming hours of online time at the moment. And trying to clean up "this old house" is taking oodles and oodles of "spare" time, too. Obviously, I haven't done a...
  4. netmiff

    Industrial Wind Farm Experience

    We have some here in Chatham-Kent, but they are way, way to the south of us. I have only seen them once. Check out (it's our local online newspaper), there has been a lot of complaining around here. Some people say they are getting sick from the vibrations, maybe the EM pulses...
  5. netmiff

    length of mechanical valve

    From what I understood, the valves (mechanical) have been stress-tested, and will last for over 150 years, and more. Where they can go wrong is round the sutures, they can get growth on them, scar tissue can build up, clots can form on them etc., etc., and that is what makes the valve perform...
  6. netmiff

    Did my first test

    Heavens, is there any other way to do it ? Seriously, I have appreciated mine since I got it, and I only waited about 3 months post-surgery!
  7. netmiff

    Pirate hunting !

    well. you're either crazy, or you're getting paid a really, really obscene amount of money :D Seriously, I have had a few cuts and have never bled more than before, just make sure to take some extra Elastoplast with you, in case; I spend the first 4 months post-op with them and compression-type...
  8. netmiff

    The View Hotel on the Navajo Nation

    Dennis, your photographs take my breath away - it sure helps that you live in that part of the world, though!
  9. netmiff

    Gorgeous Jemez Pottery

    They are just beautiful! Are these traditional designs, or have they modernised them, either for easier sale or to express themselves as opposed to following tradition?
  10. netmiff

    Slip Sliden Down the Other Side....

    well, I managed to escape the a-fib, but I did have fluid in or around my lungs, and they kept me sedated ( = knocked out cold) and vented for 2 full days. I have a theory that we all hit some kind of speed bump . . It must feel good to have it under control again and be back home. Take it...
  11. netmiff

    Justin's surgery the 19th

    Lyn, when I read this, I couldn't thinlk of a thing to say, except, "Oh no, they're off again" ! Wishing you and Justin all the best, and you know that we'll all be in that waiting room with you.
  12. netmiff

    workload stenotic aortic valve patients

    Hi, Robbyha! I think that is something you should talk over with your doctor and your people at work. If working from home is an option, even two or three days a week, I would suggest that first. Maybe another solution is to find a small apartment, hostel or bed and breakfast close to work...
  13. netmiff

    Alert for Teachers

    good one, Bob!
  14. netmiff

    Went For Tests At Mass General Hospital....

    good attitude there, Harry, good for you! At least you now know what's wrong, and can work around it, and as Nancy says, a plan of action. Knowing what you can and can not do, what you should and should not do (although sometimes you have to give yourself a bit of a break on that one) is a...
  15. netmiff

    I am happy!

    it is a good feeling when you start to stabilize, and manage to stay in range (or close) consistently, good for you, enjoy it - and be happy, you have the right !
  16. netmiff

    App. in Dublin.........

    Best wishes for a good visit ...
  17. netmiff

    Speediest trip thru waiting room ever

    WOW! that was a short wait, you didn't get time to get comfy in the waiting room. Hoping your trip up and over the mountain is as fast, and bump-free - but, you know, we all seem to hit one, so don't get too discouraged if you do!
  18. netmiff

    Zipper2 - Jan. 11

    Good report, and I guess you get an A+ for three months non-smoking, too. Good for you!
  19. netmiff

    Going to be an Olympic Volunteer

    How cool ! lucky you, and getting to the rehearsal for the opening ceremonies beforehand means you'll have been there, done that by the time the rest of us get a chance to see it. What a wonderful hought to have kept in your mind as you went through your surgery.
  20. netmiff

    Followup With Rheumatologist..

    I've been out of town for a couple of days and just found this. You are a step closer in knowing what is wrong, and that is a step closer to knowing how to live with it. And that is also better than thinking it might all be in your head .. .