Two weeks to live...50yrs ago

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Active member
Jan 12, 2021
Hi from Queensland Australia :)
As a young girl of 12, 1972 l was taken to hospital with chest pain, after hours of tests etc they told my Mum this...Your a young woman with 5kids going it alone (father left ) She's doing it for attention, it's all in her head. After several months of this going back n forward she said to the doctors...l don't care where you think her pain is or is not, it's real to her. Nothing was done by the medical world.
In 1974, we moved from our capital city, Brisbane to a country a local student doctor heard an unusual noise (all while having an asthma attack n double phenoumia)
A few days later they fly me to a hospital in my capital, yep back to Brisbane...this young girl who's pain is all in her head is given 2wks to live.
Many dramas between 1974 n 1999. Fast forward to today...married, 2 grown Sons n 3 amazing Grandies. The doctors are not always right 👍
Hi Soulfeelings and welcome to the forum. Really glad to see ya! I've still got you beat......but I got a hunch you will be "blowing by me" in the future. My 2 grown sons also have three grown children AND they have given us 5 GREAT GRANDCHILDREN as tell your grandkids to hurry up:love:........if they are old enough to have their own children yet🙃.
Hi Soulfeelings and welcome to the forum. Really glad to see ya! I've still got you beat......but I got a hunch you will be "blowing by me" in the future. My 2 grown sons also have three grown children AND they have given us 5 GREAT GRANDCHILDREN as tell your grandkids to hurry up:love:........if they are old enough to have their own children yet🙃.
Can't rush them, Grandies are 7, 5 n 21mths 😂 😍 😂