bookjp's surgery

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A Fib

A Fib

He hasn't had any more episodes since last night. He has been up walking and eating a very tiny bit. Said everything tastes like cardboard or metal. He is still in the ICU due to lack of beds...the surgeon said probably 2 more days. That would make his stay less than a week. I know his wife is scared of bringing him home, but that is a normal response I am sure. My husband had a quad-by-pass 4 years ago and we made a few runs to the ER the first few months following surgery. I am wondering if this will be the same.....All kinds of weird sensations and heartbeats???
It's difficult but everyone has to get over the paranoid feeling. If something should go wrong at home, he'll be treated, so the family needs to lighten up and understand that. Food, like I said, tastes terrible for a few weeks. There is something that he hasn't yet found that will taste good and it's going to be something he probably otherwise would NOT like. It's weird, but that's the way it was for most of us. For me, it was a big greasy mushroom swiss burger from the local Hardees restaurant. My surgeon told my wife that he didn't care what she brought me, just get me to eat!


I saw Jim today. He's still ICU.. ....I think because of a bed shortage. He's pretty weak and eating like a bird. He may get to go home tomorrow if his oxygen level stays at 88 or above. They are trying to get him off the oxygen. His wife, Jody, just called and he is getting a half hour massage to Motown music. She had seen an ad in the hospital for a girl who does massages and so she asked his nurse about it. She asked the Dr. and lo and behold he's getting a massage in ICU!


Just talked to Jim's wife and he won't be coming home today as planned. He has an infection in the incision? They also said he may have torn the fascia coughing so hard. Is this a common problem?
Still Stuck here!!!!!

Still Stuck here!!!!!

Still kicking, but they won't let me go....infection at incision site. I hope to be out by the weekend...Thanks for all of the words of encouragement. Hope Carole comes through her surgery with flying colors! Jim
Great to hear from you Jim. Sorry about the infection, but it is good they caught it before they released you and can started helping get rid of it.
They did the heart cath. I have no blockages yaaaa. Laying still for 6 hrs sucks. I didn't realize I would be awake during the cath--what a trip. I sure hope they get rid of the infection and you get out soon. Surgery isn't scheduled to start until 2:00 P:M tomorrow. Hubby (JOHN) will post and report after surgery. Will probably be Thusday as it will be late by the time I wake up.

Thanks, everybody. You guys are the best!!

Be careful with that infection, don't treat it lightly, I had one and they kept me in the hospital two weeks for that. They also stuck a suction machine on my chest for 5 days/24 hours. Then I had IV antibiotics at home for one month. Not a lot of fun.
Good Luck with it

A massage in the ICU???Man I would have been all over that one had I been given the offer