What is meant by level 2 level 3, & 3 +

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Attitude of Gratitude
Oct 24, 2014
Magrath, Alberta, Canada
Can someone please explain to me what theses levels mean and the severity of level 3+ means and to what or how high levels go ... is it 4 , 5 ??
I see my Surgeon for consultation Sept 22/15
On another note ;
When l read posts from ppl with RHD needing MVR & AVR with severe regurgitation and stenosis who are able to run marathons no less l feel so inadequate. . 😕
I have had trouble walking around my home or getting dressed let alone even going for a walk or up a set of stairs for going on 3 to 4 years now ! I am breathless from morning til night ..
Any input appreciated
Thank you
Increasingly exhausted!
Hello Harriet,

For the MV at least, this is a general guideline.
The scale goes from 0-4+ roughly. It's a general classification cardiologists use, although I don't know if it's technically recorded. 0-1 is none to trace. 1-2 is mild to moderate. 2-3 is moderate to moderately severe. 3-4.is moderately severe to severe. 4+ is severe and usually when surgery is recommended and especially if the atrium is getting large. Myself, I was in the 3 range for at least 3 years until I moved to the 4+ range and subsequent surgery. Throughout this time, I was asymptomatic. Currently, I'm at about 1-1.5.
Thank you ejc61 for responding to my post .
Must also be for AV in a letter tfrom my heart specialist to GP it was mentioned My AV had gone from 2 to level 3 whereas my MV has been at 3+ with enlarged LA now for about 2.5 yrs. They have been waiting for my A to move from 2 to 3 to a oid 2 surgeries. I have a sergeon consultation Sept 22 / 15
I have had sever shortness of breath along with many other symptoms now for 4 yrs.swelling dry cough, feels like someone is sitting on top of me all the time.
Coupled with interstitial lung disease and cronic upper respiratory infection which l managed to keep under control for the last few mths until NOW ! I just sometimes wonder when it all going to be over with and l come out the other side.
Again thank you for taking the time.

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