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Mark Wagner

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2003
Port Orchard, WA
Hi Everyone.
I'm starting to get pumped up as my goal and treck across the US is almost complete. Okay, so it has taken over 2 years! I am still amazed when I look at where I was health wise before my surgery, and where I am now. I just thank God that I was born in a time where heart valve surgery is possible.
This morning I read in a devotional
' ... that most of us fail to achieve our goals or reach our dreams because we unknowingly set boundaries upon ourselves. ... revealed in statements such as, "Oh, I could never do that!" ...There is tremendous danger in this type of thinking, not only because it sets a limit on our individual success, but also because it carries over into the way we approach our kingdom work.'
I hope you didn't mind me sharing that, but I thought how very true. Before heart surgery I only dreamed of running a marathon, much less running the distance of the US. I remember shortly after surgery when I finally went back to work and enroute, looking at the sound and the mountains. I found myself taking that extra long gaze. I so appreciate the second chance I have been given.
Last week my grandaughter was born, and what a doll she is. Her name is Jasmine, and she was 8lbs 1oz. You know the marathons have given me a feeling of accomplishment, but seeing that little blessing from God, is so unspeakable that words on screen would not do justice to what it does to my heart. If in the morning I never woke, life was worth it.

Talk to you all soon. ... Mark
What a precious miracle that has been wrought. I can feel your love for this child in your words. She is just beautiful and will be a joy to you always.
Congratulaltions Gramps! She'll soon be joining you and the dog on those workout runs. Those will be the funnest of all! :)
Congratulations Grandpa Mark! It's a good think you did this run across country - you're going to need to be in shape to chase after Jasmine!

May God continue to bless you as you complete your run.
Mark-You surely are a wonder! BIG congratulations on your superior accomplishments. It wasn't easy but you persevered.

And that little chubby-cheeked baby--How sweet!
Congratulations Grandpa.

Your post was timely. I needed a boost before my run today. My continued gratitude for the inspiration and example that you set.

After long runs, my ankles and toes are a little sore, but I couldn't be happier. 19 miles today. 35 miles for the week. 350 miles in all.
Thank you 'everyone' for the kind words. She is a cutie! I am a pretty proud grandpa. :)

Tom, 19 miles. That's awesome! Last week I did 7.5, 10, 16, 3.5. (miles)
This is week 12 in my 17 week marathon training plan. I'll have a long run of 18 miles, next week 13.5, then my longest run before the marathon of 20 miles. After that I taper down for 3 weeks. Keep at it my friend. When they put that finshers medal around your neck, it will truly be something you will always treasure.
