Surgery on hold

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Hi folks ...just to let you know my surgery planned for July has been postponed due to my low blood count ...but the positive thing is that I have now been referred to a Congenital Heart
Consultant which is what I wanted all along ...don't know how long I will have to wait to see her a guess I 'd say three months ..but at least I will be able to ask her questions and feel more secure with her specialist knowledge that I am getting the right answers ...and I can enjoy my summer break without worrying about surgery ..YEHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!:)
Thankyou all for your support ...I'll still be dropping in here to see how you are all doing ...Mara ..I haven't forgotten your dates ..will be thinking of you on the two big days !
Take care all
Good luck Scottie

Good luck Scottie

Hi Scottie-

Glad it turned out as you wanted. Joe's anemia finally improved to the point that he can have his surgery. He's been on triple iron and folic acid for about 3 months, so I guess it takes at least that long.

He has a nice healthy glow now, not ghostly pale any more.

Enjoy your summer.



Good news, Scottie. Peace of mind is so important and it sounds as if you'll get that with the confidence of seeing the right doc for the job. Good luck and enjoy the sunshine/rain - Ah well, it is Wimbledon fortnight. :)
Wonderful news, Scottie. Sure helps to have a specialist on hand when you need one. Please keep hanging in with us. Your contributions are great. God bless
I understand because even though I am new here, I am on hold for my replacement surgery. First, it is dental and now it also it the new cardiac doctor. First, I had to replace the dentist whocould not tell me if the gums of my mouth were infection free or not. Got the person replaced. And then this past Friday, had to pick another cardiac doctor. But I still have the same surgeon. I will be glad when all the dental work is done and the gums are healthy and the surgery date is set. I see mine within the next six weeks. You keep hanging in there and it will work out. I know mine will, as I am getting all the encouragement from friends and family. You will be alright.
And you will be alright, too. Welcome to our home. You sound very upbeat and that is so very important going in (well, also coming out). We look forward to visiting with you and helping, if we can. God bless
Scottie and McCln

This surgery on/surgery off business gets to making you feel like a yoyo doesn't it? At least it has for me, since I'm now back on and waiting to see the surgeon to set the date! These delays were probably meant to serve a purpose--that being making the most of summer. Enjoy! And good luck to both of you.

And Scottie, glad to hear you got the referral you wanted.



Thankyou everyone for your good wishes ...I came to this site absolutely horrified that surgery had been mentioned again for me ....the people on this site have given information ,love and support ....thankyou ,each and everyone of you ...I'll be all take care and I wanted you to know that here across the "big pond " I often think about you and wonder how you are all doing ....
Take care