Staying the Course -- 6-26-2015

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Sorry to be so late starting the new week's thread. A dear friend from Mended Hearts -- a kind and gentle soul -- passed away and we went to his memorial service. He was the chapter's president for six years -- a real gentleman.

It's been hot and hectic. Hard to exercise, and I haven't controlled my eating very well either. Oh well, cooler weather is supposed to arrive over the weekend, so I will be out of excuses.

Love to hear how everything's going with others here....


Sorry for your loss Superbob. It's hard to lose good people.

I'm focusing on my mental health for now which has suddenly worsened (yes, went to the doc, yes ruleouts done, yes meds ordered). Once I get that more stable maybe I can work on reversing the 25 pounds i have gained in the last 2 months. I am keeping up with exercise though and will do what I can with eating as I know it helps my depression to reduce sugar and carbs.

Or maybe I should just have surgery eh? Found this Mayo study:

Patients with severe mitral regurgitation (MR) often suffer from psycho-emotional symptoms, such as depression and anxiety, but after undergoing mitral valve repair surgery patients experience a marked improvement in emotional and physical wellbeing, according to an article in the March 2015 issue of The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.

Anyhow, if you are a praying person I would appreciate it you would pray for me. I hope everyone is doing well.
You've got my prayers, Dornole. Struggling with depression can be much more challenging than physical ailments, but as you say, the mitral regurgitation and depression often go hand in hand. Superbob, sorry to hear of your friend's death. Grandson Matthew is here with his folks, and I am beat! Chasing a toddler around was much easier 30 years ago. We're headed to the new Bass Proshop in Memphis, Mud Island, the Peabody ducks, and the Memphis zoo. Grandpa and I have a suite so the three grandkids can sleep with us. Think I'll get any sleep? Good thing is, I can sleep next week after everyone's gone home. I hope everyone has a better week.
The Memphis Zoo! -- I love the Memphis Zoo. Superbob would love to just drop in out of the sky and visit the zoo with you. Loved it when we went there with daughter and granddaughter a few years ago (but they are on their way here right now to visit us coastal folks. The granddaughter actually may live here a while and complete her high school education -- that's not quite settled yet. That would make 4 grandkiddies right here in the family compound) Dornole, as you know depression is quite common but that is an encouraging article you found. Am praying for you to have successful surgery at the right time for you, and for everything to go smoothly. I know there will come a time you will trim those pounds -- I resolve to do likewise. Go back to my cardio Monday to hear her take on my recent echo. Hoping for only good news then. Always a little on edge.

Cheers all....
Sorry to read about your friend, Superbob. Also hoping that you feel better, Dornole. I got the folks at the hospital to allow me to push harder in cardiac rehab. I developed a couple of episodes of PVC's while my HR was up, so they made me pause until things settled down. I didn't get any irregularities when I had my stress test so I'm hoping this was just a fluke. I'll run it by my cardio when I see him Wednesday for my first post-op appointment and echo. Other that that, my husband and I and our community are celebrating nationwide marriage equality today. Have a good week everyone.
I am happy for you and your community, Jim.

Had my echo follow-up with my cardio. Most everything looked good... except, except.... the left atrium has enlarged since a year ago, About half a centimeter. She was not too concerned but scheduled me for another echo in 6 months. Only possible consequence she shared with me is that I might experience heart rhythm problem sometime down the road and would need to take meds for that. Now I will google and scare myself silly. That's what I do.

Hope all are well.....
I had several echos that showed left atrium enlargement along with the superior vena cava, Superbob. I think it was about 6-7 years post-replacement. Nothing was done in terms of adding or changing meds, and subsequent echos were fine. I hope you find the same to be true in your situation. We had a good time in Memphis, and the zoo was great! We're discussing a return trip in the Fall.
Thanks for that encouragement, Duffey. And I envy you the Memphis Zoo excursion. I loved that place -- among many other reasons, I discovered their wonderful collection of walking sticks in their gift shop and ordered one from Colorado when I got home (thought getting it on a plane might be dicey). Would love to go back sometime. On the atrium, of course I couldn't resist going on Net late last night and getting some scary reports. I did convince myself that I am making the problem worse by getting slack with eating and exercise patterns lately. Life is tres hectic -- my poor DW has serious problems lingering from her terrible fall last December and my Memphis daughter is trying to swing moving here from Memphis (perhaps in a house in our neighborhood) while her daughter (my oldest granddaughter) has moved in next-door to finish her last two years of high school at the good public high school here as well as to have good summer employment. Whew, yes much of that is blessing, but it's complicated. Won't go into all the details. Anyway, bottom line for Staying the Course: I need to absolutely, positively reserve an hour a day for myself to do exercise, and I need to cease doing the nervous piggy eating of junk food! Obesity affects the atrium size.