Staying the Course -- 12/25/2017

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Wow, so the new Staying the Course Week starts on the big day for so many around the globe -- Christmas Day! I will write more later, but for now will just say it was delightful chaos at our home this morning, with son, all four grandchildren, two Christmas-spirit dogs and a cat. Lots of excitement over presents, and for the 3-year-old, Santa's beneficence. A tad on the bittersweet side because of a hard divorce this year, affecting 3 of grands who live next door. My son had them for the week leading up to noon today, and now their mom for the next week -- it goes like that. Here are we old folks, who have been married to each other for 51 years, in the middle. Not going into all of what went down and was thrown around, and the considerable heartache, but my son now has joint custody and came out with full, official recognition of what a great dad he is. Let me just hope and pray children will continue to adjust and all will accommodate change as life goes on.

Anyway, this is a time for reflection, is it not? And of course merriment. Cherish what you have, always. Joy to the world. Let hearts be healed. Peace be with you.


Merry Christmas too all!

Good to see you and your wife keeping Christmas "normal" for your grand kids. Can't imagine how tough that must be on them. Wishing your son the best as he moves forward and continues to be a great dad.

A local jeweler had to cash in an insurance policy. Something about jewelry purchased between certain dates is free if it snows six inches or more on Christmas day. Cold, cold, cold here. High barely creeped above 10 F yesterday. Lows below 0 F tonight. Christmas Day was postcard beautiful here with the snow coming down, but with temps this cold road salt doesn't work. They just throw down a mixture of sand with it to give some traction and plow as best they can. Still, lots of slide offs.

Santa was good to everyone. In addition to spoiling the kids, I received biking shoes that clip in for my spin class.
Staying the course, weight still holding in spite of all the holiday goodies. I am partaking, but riding hard to cover for it.

Wishing everone a fantastic finish to 2017!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Superbob, welcome to the group (larger than you think) of us that learn how to enjoy and love the Grandkids by working around the exes. I have a son that has also done a great job at being Dad! His kids just came off a two week cruise with all the bells and whistles and could not wait to call Dad to come and pick them up. Love them all so much that all we say anymore is "as long as she is happy it gives us the family time with the kids" Sometimes I have to pray for understanding it all.

Superman, Santa didn't forget us either and grats on your weight and staying the course! We have had -20 here in MT so can relate to all the cold.

Had 3rd iron infusion yesterday with one tomorrow and last one (hopefully) next Tuesday. We are hoping for a good cbc next Thursday and if all is good we are still going south. All signs are looking good. I feel a lot better and especially in the breathing department. The breathing is what has bothered me the most. I am alright with the future and whatever it holds but nothing is worse than feeling like you are suffocating.

Health and happiness to all in 2018!
Merry Christmas y'all. Or as I used to say growing up in NJ, youse guys!

i seem to be steadily losing a Hal lb. per week. Down to 152.2 today from 160 when I saw the nutritionist in November. I'm staying the course with my healthy meals and avoidance of carbs. Though mt granddaughter made me a gingerbread village, of which I ate half (my holiday weakness).

Nina and I spent Saturday shopping (she's so generous with my money!) and going to Painting with a Twist, where we did a Hootie Owl. I'll try to post a pic.

I also took a day a day off yesterday. Back to work today. So ready to retire but it won't be anytime soon.

Im looking forward to great progress in 2018. Thanks SB for helping me STC!


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I did step on the scale post holidays and post event with my daughter than included "all you can eat". Oops. Seems I took that as a challenge.

Oh well. Hit the bike at 5:15 this morning and did 22 miles. I'll see if I can sweat it out of me.

Cold here. Hit around -10°F overnight the last two nights. Yes. That's below 0. We are looking at a warm up though. Lows hovering around 0 with highs in or close to the teens! Woo-Hoo!!!
Predawn 22 miles on the bike -- that'll burn off the holiday calories -- wow! Brings back a few memories for me. Seems like a different lifetime, but I remember taking a 20-mile training run for one of the marathons I ran back in the '70s -- and doing it mostly on a predawn Sunday. Not an option for me now with replaced knee and assorted aging issues, but I do need to step up from dog-walks and twice a week exercise classes. Have a nice community workout room I need to resume using to supplement what I'm doing now. Had four-month's visit with my cardiologist yesterday and got (at my request) word that I was up a couple of pounds from September visit. Of course, the weigh-in was two days after Christmas; nevertheless, I need to pare down 10 pounds before my next cardio visit in June. The ticker was tickin' like a ticker oughtta tick, so that's always good news.

Great to hear from those of you who have checked in -- Superman, also Honeybunny (kudos on the weight loss, despite gingerbread), jwinter (hope the cbc and breathing will continue to improve)....I am supposed to take DW and granddaughter to mall today -- will push DW in wheelchair to ease her mobility challenges -- so that should be a pretty good workout.

Wishing all a healthy and happy new year!

PS: we have some effect from the Arctic blasts too -- temps not expected to get out of the 30s today (that's cold for coastal South Carolina!) and we could have some "wintry precipitation" over next few days and into the new year -- a little freezing rain and perhaps snow showers. Thank goodness the ocean doesn't generate "lake-effect" snow such as Erie, PA is dealing with. The "ocean effect" normally is to moderate the impact of cold fronts that sneak in here.

Oh and Honeybunny, Painting With a Twist looks like a hoot! Much fun. Thanx for attaching a pix.