Pre-op today

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2008
Palm Beach County Florida
I went to the hospital this morning at 10. Didn't get home for four hours.

Highlights or lowlights.

My surgery is AVR- Aorta Valve Replacement. Then it got fuzzy(and I can't find a copy of the consent I signed. Don't remember if I was a copy, for I was getting highly annoyed before I left pre-op for x-ray today. More on that later) Replace or repair descending aorta aneyurism. Joan the pre-op nurse was confused as to what was written and called Dr. Lester's office.

Got a video about my surgery. This I watched after I got home. The person on screen saying I will spend 12-24 hours in Intensive care and 2-5 on the surgical floor. Yes and when I leave after 2 days I'll be dancing a jig. Other than that the video was ok. If being scared more is ok that is, frankly I'm very scared now. right now I got other medical issues, this is not like any other surgery I had before, and the last two I was in the hosp. 10 and 12 days respectively. It wasn't open heart surgery either time, A PE and insertion of a greenfield filter, and an infection in my leg that required me having abcesses drained.

Leonita my wife, who I love very much, was exhausted from my week hosp. stay where the worst part was the first 12 hours and the heart cath. Neither was bad or close to it, but still Leonita barely slept the whole time. What's it going to be like after Wednesday and when I get home?

When they took blood from me today, it took FOUR tries. I was just in the hosp, and it never took more than twice. The first nurse Cindy had me furious after 3, and had to get another nurse(An ICU nurse who said she had 20 years experience and looks like LPGA golfer Dottie Pepper) for a 4th effort and even that barely succeeded. They drew five tubes in try #2, but needed a sixth. That took two more efforts. Afterwards they put a tag on my wrist, when I said to forget it, they say I would have to be typed and crossed again on wednesday. I said I'd take it off and bring it in wednesday. They said they'd still have to do that blood work again. What the @#$$%! I took it off when I came home. The thing is just too irritable, then most of the today was too.

I had an ultrasound of my upper extremities(arms) and chest x ray done too. (Pulmonary function test and Carotid ultrasound were done while I was still in the hosp. last week. A EKG was also done today in the pre-op area) Those were scheduled for tomorrow, but the pre-op while I'm here, why not do it now? As it was, I got both taken care with very slight waiting. I get tomorrow off, yeah! :cool:

Hospital only asked me for $20. That and the ultrasound and x-ray were the highlights of today. No I'm not being sarcastic.

By the time I got home I was starved, thirsty, and short of breath because I was so worked up. Don't get worked up someone can say, but four pokes to get blood was beyond the pale today. I've never been like that. Two times is the record, and remember, I go for monthly bloodwork because of my coumadin I'm on and I'm a cancer survivor. Today was a mess.

Enough venting. Now it is time for dinner.

They put you through the wringer today.:eek: Inability to hit a vein and draw blood is guaranteed to put me on edge. I hope everything goes better from here on out.
Hi Bill ~ Sorry to hear you had to go through what you did. Being scared is SO normal...think we have all been there. Sounds like you have veins and arteries like me, (at least this time). I was in the hospital a short time ago and i happened to need a blood gas drawn and an IV replaced. Well, it ended up being 4 blood gases since my arteries are thin and wiggle a lot, and so do my veins, so it took 3 tries before they got an IV started. Four blood gases in a 15 minute period are enough to drive a person (me) insane. I'm not a screamer...i just grit my teeth and get through it, but i hate them!

It sounds like you have a gem of a wife. You're so lucky to have someone like her to support you.

I hope your future experiences in the hospital are better and that they can hit your veins. I've found that it helps to only let the IV team do IV's, rather than the floor nurses. They specialize in it. If you have bad veins, you can insist that they come and do your blood draws too.

I hope you have a quick recovery from your hospital excursion.
I know it can be soooooo fustrating. I give them two tries and then they have to get someone else. By my last trip to the hospital I had 14 IV holes and more blood draw holes than I could keep track of. I yelled at techs more than once and they began to be much more gentle and careful. Now my veins are shot and I have to have a butterfly every time I get my INR blood draw but the techs and my local hospital are very kind and know what needs to be done.

Pre-op is stressful anyway and things going wrong on top of it doesn't help. You have the nit-picky stuff over with and now you just have to wait for your surgery. Speak up for yourself whenever you aren't happy with something and make sure they hear you. If they don't appear interested ask for a supervisor. It sounds like your wife is very supportive so you will have someone there with you which will be reasurring. Take care and know that you will get through it all fine. I am 6 weeks out and things get better as I go. I will send good thoughts your way. You can do it.
Sorry you had such a stressful day. The repeated sticks for blood are the worst. Hopefully, you will be able to relax and take it easy until your surgery.

When I had my arthoscopic surgery for my knee, 3 weeks ago, the labs, both at my home hospital and at the surgical centre, all took four tries, leaving only a couple of good veins for the IV. The nurse in the OR used the two tries to start the IV and I was rolled into theatre. The anesthesiologist missed 3 tries for an epidural, finally inserting the cath on attempt #4.

I empathize completely

Take Heart. I wish you a speedy and successful surgery on Wednesday and a very boring recovery.
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Re taking blood - my veins collapsed due to months on heavy duty antibiotics to help defeat endocarditis. A decade later they have improved but are still not good and difficult for the inexperienced. Docs and nurses with paediatric experience seem to have the best vein hitting results.
Hi Bill -

I thought I had replied to this last night but I guess I didn't hit the submit button.

Frequently I have to endure three or four attempts at drawing blood and IV installations. It can be miserable and I've had both done in the back of my hands and on the inside of my wrist and these can be very painful.

I have found that if I can drink a glass of water about an hour before a blood draw that this helps me sometimes.

Also, you can ask them to take smaller pediatric vials of blood for all of these tests and that will leave more blood in your body for your needs. Best wishes :) .