Merry Christmas and a Happy New year for 2015

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa

Just wanted to wish everyone all the best, to those in hospital or awaiting admission I wish you well and encourage you to post here for a 'virtual visit' from any of us who are on.

or the rest of us ... kick up and run amok and have a good time

Best Wishes
Hi Jim - I love the video of your holiday display ! Loved the model buildings, the people and lights and couldn't wait for the train to start up ! Even though I'm a girl I love model trains ! (For my 50th birthday my husband gave me a model train set, just an N gauge one, but a train set is something I had always wanted ever since I can remember - boys have all the fun toys and so now I have too even though I had to wait a long time for it !).

Happy Christmas to you, Pell and to all the rest of the forum,
Merry Christmas to everyone and very best of health and happiness for 2015!
Jim, your holiday display brings back the magic and excitement of Christmas!
I second what Pellicle said! Kick up and run amok! Merry Christmas everybody! And a personal Thank You to everyone on the forum. Can't say that enough. I was a total mess before finding this group.