Mechanical valve- anyone Vape/smoke

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2016
Curious if anyone vapes. Have quit smoking and have started to vape on occasion here n there.


Aneurysm of aortic root & ascending aorta. Bentall procedure, mechanical valve 27mm carbomedics. Replacement of aortic root + ascending aorta and aortic hemiarch. Jan 2016
Tough habit to break eh. Were you a heavy smoker, notice any different when vaping. What do your docs think or say about it?
It's all habit. I decided to give up when I was 27, after I noticed I couldn't climb a flight of stairs. The more you think about it, the harder it gets. I was smoking two packets of cheap Vietnamese cigarettes. Threw what I had away and that was it.
Good for you, certainly did the right thing. I was a heavy smoker myself- 2 packs per day. Stop cold once my valve was in, 3-4 months after I would have the occasional one here n there yet as of late I did purchase one of those vape ones and have been using when the urge kicks in. Shitty habit that's for sure...
I smoked about a pack a day for 44 years. Tried quitting numerous times. Did it again in March 2015 when I was experiencing SOB but still had a hard time breathing. That's what initiated my having a stress test and echo which uncovered my BAV and severe stenosis. I stayed quit until February of this year when I had terrible nicotine urges so I went to vaping which I'd tried before. Still would like a real smoke and I know vaping has unknown consequences but I think it's the lessor of two evils right now. I've not told my docs about the vamping but my cardio knows I'd tried it before and he didn't fuss at me.
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