Gym Juice

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
A recent discussion had me thinking about gym drinks. As I never used them I knew little about them.

The discussion revealed that albumin can effect INR. Some gym juice may contain that.

As I happen to be waking through the supermarket right now I spotted these and it says whey on most. This got me thinking.

A quick wiki revealed

is typically a mixture ofbeta-lactoglobulin (~65%), alpha-lactalbumin(~25%), bovine serum albumin (~8%)(see alsoserum albumin), and immunoglobulins.

8% seems low to me. So one would need to be drinking a lot of this stuff to make any effect.


This backs up my view of everything in moderation and always test mor frequently when you start something new.
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I have a 16oz whey protein shake every morning and eggs at least 3x a week, so my diet is high in albumin, but my INR is quite stable.

This past winter, I joined a masters swim team for workouts twice a week. For the first several weeks I found I was getting severe foot and leg muscle cramps from a hard workout, so I would take about 12 oz of pickle juice to the pool and drink some whenever I felt the muscles tighten. It kept the cramps at bey and never effected the INR, but after 3 mos I didn't need it any more. Too much sodium anyway.

SumoRunner;n876528 said:
I have a 16oz whey protein shake every morning and eggs at least 3x a week, so my diet is high in albumin, but my INR is quite stable.

Yes, my initial reaction to the original question was to scoff at the idea, but another poster raised the idea that there was some basis in science fo it (which I read a bit and found there was).

Your findings backs my view that probably (like Dicks noodle post) some liters per day would be needed.

Interesting point on the sodium and cramps.