evening ride (and scootering technique tips)

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
I doubt that many of the regulars here ride an eScooter much but as we have some younger folk perhaps they do. None the less it was pointed out to me that its good to post examples that a post valve surgery (well post 3 of them spaced over about 20 year intervals in my case) who is on warfarin can still just go out and live a "normal life"

For the senstive you'll need to cover your ears occasionally because I do not follow broadcast language standards
I've only seen part of this. The uncensored 'reality TV' portion of this was refreshing.
But - why was everyone driving on the wrong side of the street? (Just kidding - we're the ones who are on the wrong side. For me, I don't worry - the sidewalks are always fine).