didn't want to mention it

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa
Well as many here may know I spent my first year anniversary back in the same hospital having an infection in the surgical wound re done.

I didn't want to post it at that time because largely I felt like **** miserable and dejected.

There were other reasons for that but summarize to say it has been the worst year of my life.

The valve itself has been performing perfectly, and I am gradually returning to the health that I had a year pre surgery.

The move to a mechanical valve has meant I now am a warfarin anticoagulant patient too. That has been slightly inconvenient but not dreadfully difficult. Seems to have settled down about 6 months out from the surgery.

I can only say that anyone out there who says they feel up to more surgery should beg forgiveness from the god they believe in and offer thanks that all went as well as it did. Just because you were fortunate then is no reason to go back to the blackjack table and lose your winnings

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