Did anyone have similar fitness goals post op?

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Mar 6, 2015
Toronto, Canada
I am now 8 weeks post op and have been doing really well. I am keen to get back to my 'usual' exercise activity. Having open-heart surgery is like applying the most luxurious, perfect coat of varnish to the floor, then realising that you have painted yourself into a corner and have to wait for it to fully dry before you can leave. Recovery is slow. But I am seeing so much progress! So on the coattails of the fact that I am safely on the other side of the whole-stupid-heart-fixing-debacle, I have decided to share a few of the goals that I want to achieve in the next year.

Did anyone have similar fitness goals post op? How did they pan out?

My goal was to get back to my pre-surgery level of fitness and resume weight lifting etc. Have you started cardiac rehab ? I started mine at about 7 weeks post op. I was still getting quite a bit of sternal pain from surgery but cardiac rehab can help that as well as help you get your fitness back. It took nearly a year for me to get back to pre-surgery fitness and exercise activity.
Somehow I painted myself into that corner, but the varnish didn't dry for a long time. I couldn't start cardio rehab until I was 12 weeks out. From then on, though, I made steady progress. I don't think I hit my pre-op fitness level for almost a year, but I did get there (and then some).

Of course, my surgery was a trifecta - aortic valve, bypass, then pacemaker. It took a while for everything to settle down.
Hi Tracy, love your blog. Have you seen mine? www.robovalve.wodpress.com

My last AVR OHS was 1 year ago this month. In october, I rode a metic century bike ride (about 70 miles), and went pretty hard that day. I've rode centuries at a normal pace. My main sport is rock climbing, and I'm actually better and stronger than before because my training has been so focused.
Here is a cool pic of me climbing an awesome V4 boulder problem in Red Rocks (Las Vegas): https://robovalve.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/10430396_10153024962156756_7655078882015878574_n.jpg
and sport climbing in Big Bear, CA: https://robovalve.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/img_73791.jpg

We should chat!
I was an avid weigthlifter prior to my AVR, but afterwards my cardiologist encouraged me to pursue more aerobic exercise instead. That eventually led me to do my first triathlon three years post-op. In the past 12 years I've done over 20 triathlons, 5 half marathons and numerous other races.
I've done a half marathon, a 12k and 2 5K's so far this year and have commited to four triathlons. I'm also swimming in a masters swim meet in June. I entered the Marine Corps Marathon entry lottery on a whim and got in; still deciding whether or not I'm going to do it.
I'm no great athlete, but enjoy training and competing, both for the health and social aspects.
The bottom line is that we all have our limitations, but you don't know where they are until you try. Life is too short for regrets or "what if's"
Good luck,
I just wanted to get back to normal running as soon as possible. Unfortunately for me I never quite got back to where I was. Most people seem to get back to similar levels or better but I had problems with anaemia, Beta Blockers and aging etc :) . I had my AVR 5 years ago and I think I am now running at my best post AVR. I have recently managed to loose 10 pounds in weight (I am now 124 pounds) and was taken off my small dose of Beta Blockers two months ago. I now feel like I am racing again like I used to. I have now just entered a 24 mile mountain race which is in two weeks time and I feel fit enough to run it even though I have not done many long training runs. I have done this race 18 times and it was my goal post AVR to get to 21 races.
Good luck with your recovery,
I just wanted to be able to run like I used to. As of now, I'm running 3 miles 5X a week. I'm doing very well. I feel great after a run. No lightheadedness or anything. I've been told by the nurse practitioner to not run in the heat, so I've been staying away from that.