Are these approved in Canada?

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Thanks Bina, and another thanks for suggesting going the income tax route for what SunLife won't cover, I was informed today that I can get a little over $300. or so back from my ac prescriptons. Strange that one poster said that sometimes they cover and other times not. Sunlife told me from the get go that they don't cover any anti-coagulation items.
Im with pacific blue cross and they did not cover my coaguchek or the strips, i am wondering if anyone knows where i can get strips that are not so expensive , london drugs charges 8.00 a strip makes me very nervous not to mention poorer if i screw up my bloodtest, i looked at amazon fron the states and they seem to be a lot cheaper .has anyone bought from amazon , is there anyplace in canada???
I haven't bought Coaguchek XS strips, but I've bought InRatio and ProTime strips on eBay. So far, they've all arrived fresh and fully usable. I don't know how the pricing is on the CoaguChek XS strips, or if there's any issue with customs.
I've bought them from Amazon, and from other online retailers with no problems. Best to speak with someone in person, before you commit, and get them to put eyeballs on them to see the expiry date. Calculate out your rate of consumption (may as well throw in a few spoiled ones!) and see if you'll finish them before they're gone. My last set were 48 strips which expired in three batches over the course of one year. That worked for me, and if I recall correctly I paid under $4 per.

I haven't the faintest idea about customs because I was in the US for quite a while, and receiving them there. Now I'm back in Canada and I'll be curious to know what you find out about duties/brokerage. If its going to be an issue, I'll just send them to a friend in the US and pick them up when I visit.
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Sorry I haven't checked this thread lately.

The key with SunLife is to keep badgering them. They never cover the coaguchekXS machine, but they now are covering 80% of the strips. It depends who you get processing them, but we just keep submitting them. We buy them at Superstore (Loblaws) chain, and it's the cheapest we've found.

Our other insurance (husband and I both have insurance through different people) is Alberta Blue Cross and they cover everything. They paid for the full monitor 4 years ago and cover all the strips. I'm suprised thet Pacific Blue Cross doesn't. Are they a different company altogether? Also, with our Blue Cross we have a certain amount in a medical spending account every year through my work. A coaguchek XS monitor and strips would be covered by that if you have the option.