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anyone else here bothered with anemia ....they have said they will not do surgery in July if I'm still so anemic ...but the iron tablets they have given me come striaght through me and make me feel weaker than ever ...anyone got any ideas ?
thanks ...sorry to bother you all with such a little problem ....not going back to the Dr again with another little moan


Hi Scottie-

That's true, they won't operate unless your blood is at a certain level. My husband Joe is anemic and is on 3 iron pills a day plus folic acid. They tend to bind him up so he takes a product called Metamucil which is, I guess, psyllium with a little flavoring in it. Keeps everything loosened up. He has NO CHOICE. He has to get his blood up and those are the building blocks.

Good luck,

Nancy :)
Have a moan!

Have a moan!

Scottie - how can you say its a little moan if its going to affect whether or not you have your operation. Although I have to say I would probably be the same. Is it our British fear of being seen to make a fuss. I'm sure our American heart friends wouldn't hesitate to go back to the doctor. Whatever, I do hope it will sort itself out soon and remove one of your worries. Best wishes from Gillian


You might ask your GP about an iron IV. I have been seeing a doc who does intergrated medicine. He is helping me "boost" my immune system prior to the surgery. I thought at first it might all be quackery, but I really feel better. I have gotten 2 IV's of B vitamins and other minerals, and he put me on Co-enzyme Q10, etc. THere are people who see him for anemia who get Iron IV's which they say are far more beneficial than the iron tablets. Last longer too. It might be worth checking into.
I would say eat lots of red meat, but not with BSE! CJD is probably a lot worse than a valve problem.
Good Luck,
Amenia? I guess I qualify.... within the last year, I've had my mitral valve repaired, diagnosed with leukemia in January, and recently had a mastecomy. Before they could do the mastecomy however, I had to have a blood transfusion. Iron shouldn't affect you in this way.... perhaps you have some other problem in conjunction with the anemia... talk with your doctor. I take 350 mg. of iron, four times a day... I hate it, but if it gets me back on my feet... I'll do it!

Take care and I hope this all works out for you soon.

Mornin Scottie (or evenin). My mother had extremely serious surgery a few years back and lost lots of blood and was very anemic. The dr had me bring her in to the hospital for a certain shot that I can't recall what it is at the moment, but it was iron via hypodermic. The reason they had her come in was to watch her for a bit after the shot, I suppose. You might ask your dr about this, because sometimes the pills don't get it. Also, eat beets, spinach - all the things very rich in iron. (well, you might check out the spinach because it's a leafy veg). God bless
Scottie and Anemia

Scottie and Anemia

Remember I told you about this doc I have been seeing for a boost pre-surgery. I had an iron IV last week, he said I was a little iron poor. Wow! I can feel the difference!
It might be worth a shot (haha) to see what you can get over there. Although most "traditional" docs are not into nutritional medicine. -Mara:)
Hi Scottie

Have always been anemic. Post op it was severe. And as Mara was given IV iron with an epigin injection (sp?) to boost the potency of the IV iron. Had them daily for almost two weeks. The IV iron looks like blood and that really freaked people out as I walked the hospital corridors with my IV pole.

I continue to be slightly anemic 2+ years post op. Have another situation that women have to contend with that attributes to this. Anyway, they have me on Chromagen caps. It is an RX. Does not make me sick in any way at all. I will be on this indefinitely. Have a lot more energy now.

Good luck to you
Hi Scottie,

This is my second try at my first post here. I know a little about anemia through my work with pregnant women. I'm happy to pass it on, but I am not a doctor or a medical professional, so I encourage you to do your own research and not just take my word for any of this.

According to my midwife, iron asportate is the most readily absorbed by the body. And iron in general is more readily absorbed if you take it (or eat foods rich in it) with citrus or vitamin C. It is less readily absorbed if you take it with any thing with calcium in it. So taking your iron pills with OJ would be fine, but taking them with milk would make them way less useful.

I believe that anemia, while most often caused by not enough iron, can also be caused by not enough of a couple of B vitamins, or not enough copper. I believe I read this in my Gary Null nutrition book, but I can't look it up because it's on loan to my sweetie who is reading up about what vitamins he should take to help his heart.

I hope you find some of this information useful. Good luck getting less anemic. :)
Welcome to the site. Your post came in very well and we are always glad to have new members and new info. Thanks for your post. Look forward to hearing more.