A fun thread for a change

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
After Joe's heart surgery and before his other hospitalization, we bought a little Shih Tzu puppy. We couldn't find a local breeder, but just by chance, we found the cutest little one in a mall pet store. Usually we don't like to buy from a "puppy mill" supplier, but couldn't resist. We had a sweet little male Shih Tzu who passed away just before Joe's heart surgery. He was 13 and Joe was heart broken.

They said that the dog was a female, so we named it Harriet after Joe's heart surgeon whose name is Harry. I was grooming her when we got her home and noticed an "appendage" on her stomach that didn't look normal for a female, so Harriet became Jude. Oh well, the puppy mills really don't know what they're doing, just as we suspected. We got a laugh out of that.

I proudly brought him to the vet's for his first checkup and showed the vet the little mistake. Well, she started laughing uncontrollably, and said "she's a female", little girl dogs's "business" sort of hangs down like that. We both laughed till we were crying.

So Jude is once again Harriet. She's a holy terror!
Shih Tzu's are Great!

Shih Tzu's are Great!


Shih Tzu's are great dogs. This is my Benji. When I got him they told me that Shih Tzu's are cuddly, lovie dogs. Benji is definately that! Being a boy though I keep him groomed with a buzzie cut. When his hair is long and he needs groomed though, my daughter tries to put pony tails in his hair. Here is a picture of my sweetie.
