9 weeks post-op and a new baby!

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2011
Ontario, Canada
It was a crazy winter for my wife and I, she was super pregnant and i was facing my second OHS in 5 years. February 18 I had my AVR and recovery has been fairly uneventful.

Last week, our first daughter was born happy and healthy. We are so blessed by Ellie Anne Gough! She is loved by her 5 and 3 year old brothers!

It's crazy how lost and sad you can feel when facing a major surgery, but how happy and blessed you can feel 2 months later. As always, the people on this site are there to help and listen when needed, and this is a great community.
So glad to hear. I remember you trying to plan the timing of surgery with the baby on the way. Glad your recovery is going well and you and your wife can enjoy this new addition to your family!
Congrats and enjoy! It's a cliche that they grow up so fast but its true -can't believe my boy is 8. Can't say I miss the diapers though. Glad to hear all is going well.
Congratulations on the birth of baby, Ellie! I love her name. :) I am sure she is a blessing and wonderful addition to your family.

Best wishes as always,