4 year valve-a-versary

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Denver, CO
It seems like a lifetime ago in many respects. So much has happened. My son has grown up too fast. He was barely four when I went in. Now he's 8 going on 20. I wish that I could brag about how profound that surgery affected my life. In some aspects, I feel as though I have taken my relatively smooth experience for granted. My return to my "old" life happened without much hesitation. I'm not a complete mess, for this I am thankful. I do regret allowing myself to return to the unhealthy eating habits and slowly welcoming back all of those lost pounds like they were family. Shameful. As I layed in bed shortly after the surgery, I was convinced that my life would never be the same. From that point on, I would become a changed man. No more excuses! My surgery would serve as the ultimate "reset" button. It worked for a while, but life has a funny way of showing you who's boss. As I sit here tonight, pondering my journey, I am both happy and sad. Happy that I made it through. obviously. Sad that I haven't yet embraced just how precious my life is. Luckily, my food choices and sporadic exercise habits have yet to affect my health in any significant way. There is still hope. I am going to use this anniversary as another starting point for getting back on the horse. Part of my process will be to regularly check in to this site and share some of my experience with others. I was helped greatly before and after surgery with my friends found on this forum. Perhaps that has been a missing piece of the puzzle. My absence from here may have allowed me to forget that I went through all of this. I hope that I stay true to this commitment, as I honestly believe I need a reminder of what I have been through and where I want to go.

Hi, Tom, and welcome back!

You're always welcome here. You've earned it. Some of the "old-timers" are still here, others pop in and out as life allows them to. either way, you are a part of us.

Your surgery was just about a year after mine. I remember that first year, with all of the trials and tribulations, but like you, the subsequent years kind of fade into life. I continue to remind myself of the wonders brought to me by valve surgery whenever I come back to be with the newer folks who are following in our footsteps. Trust me - you HAVE been changed. It is just that some of the changes we undergo take place so gradually that we don't notice them. They are there because you are still here.

Thanks for coming back to celebrate. Every "experienced" member who does so acts as a beacon of hope for the folks still in The Waiting Room.
Congratulations on your 4th "valve-a-versary". If you are like most of us you will have many more to celebrate......but that is hard to "accept", especially if we go thru this surgery as a younger person...with most of his life ahead of him......been there, done that. With the benefit of a helluva lot of hindsite I can tell you that the support of others who have been down this road can help you get to a more comfortable place.....altho few can put it out of mind completely.l
Great to see your post and a happy belated 4th Valversary to you! May you have many, many more years of good health.
Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life. It is never too late!