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  1. G

    To anyone who had to "push" for an early surgery

    Thank you Bob, et. al, I've got the heart cath. coming up next week so I guess I'm just waiting for more info. My GP has done some blood tests that didn't indicate any other causes of the tachycardia. This is my confusion: Some of my symptoms (especially the tachy) could put me in (a)...
  2. G

    To anyone who had to "push" for an early surgery

    Updated Updated Thank you all for your help and support. Saw the Dr. yesterday. My specs are still unimpressive in terms of needing surgery. Area: 1.2 cm2; Pressure: 36 Velocity: 3.1 It was also learned that there are no other blockages or obstructions. He was very skeptical of my...
  3. G

    Heat sensitivity, sweating....pre mitral valve surgery..

    I'm waiting for AVR and I've noticed that I've become extremely heat sensitive. I had attributed it to the fact that I did have a case of heat stroke about ten years ago (they say that you become more sensitive to the heat after these events). But this past summer I was unable to walk a block...
  4. G

    To anyone who had to "push" for an early surgery

    Early symptoms Early symptoms Thank you all for your advice. I inadvertently failed to mention that I have daily chest pains. Over the past six months, my syptoms have been induced by asthma, exercise, high altitude, dehydration, heat sensitivity, prednisone, albuterol and a couple of mystery...
  5. G

    To anyone who had to "push" for an early surgery

    50 yr.-old Male- Symptoms with moderate AS (BAV)-convincing my Dr. I have an appt. with my cardio next week and I am expecting a battle. I have developed "mild" symptoms over the past six months and have been in to see him on several occasions. I've worn a halter for two weeks and had two...
  6. G

    Questions About Cleveland Clinic

    Who was your surgeon at CC Weston? And did the lack of cardiologist support make a difference or were all your needs met by the surgeon and staff? Any complications? Thanks.
  7. G

    First time posting: a lot of questions

    This is my first post and I hoping to get some feedback on a few of my specific issues. THanks in advance to everyone. I am 49 (M) with a bicuspid AV. My doc estimates a year (more or less) before surgery. I believe that I am starting to have symptoms (which isn't news) but it has always been...