Recent content by LeakyValve

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  1. LeakyValve

    Exercise in Extreme Temperatures

    With apologies to all if this topic has been covered many times over...does anyone know if we (Mitral Valve Repair/Replacement) are to be included in the warnings for heart patients NOT to exercise in extreme temperatures? Are we at increased risk over the average Joes and Josephines because of...
  2. LeakyValve

    Two Years Yesterday (11/25)

    Fitting that my two year surgical (MI-MVR) anniversary fell on Thanksgiving this year. Very thankful for family, friends, my surgeon and docs/their teams as well as this forum, which helped me through what could have been a very scary time. Happy Thanksgiving, all!
  3. LeakyValve

    Murmur After MV Repair?

    Echo came back "normal"...only trace regurgitation; valve ring was in great shape; no abnormalities; all was well. On call Doc and tech didn't know how there would have been a murmur.
  4. LeakyValve

    Murmur After MV Repair?

    Thanks, everyone. I appreciate the feedback and positive thoughts!
  5. LeakyValve

    Murmur After MV Repair?

    Hi, All! I am approaching two years post-MIOHS for a mitral valve repair. Just went in for doc appointment today and the cardiologist noticed a more pronounced murmur. At his request, I'm going in for an echo on Saturday. Has anyone "out there" who's had a repair experienced a return of...
  6. LeakyValve

    High heart rate - how long for ?

    My pre-op RHR was in the high 40s/low 50s. As an endurance athlete (cyclist) there is a certain pride with how low your RHR is against your peers. Post-surgery, RHR shot up to 95 bpm. When asked, my surgeon told me that it might never come down to where it was...that it should come down...
  7. LeakyValve

    Surgery done, worst thing?

    Knowing what to expect (e.g., the breathing tube, the removal of the lines, etc.) made almost everything bearable to an extent...simply because I made it out to be worse in my mind than it actually ended up being. The worst part for me was the unexpected...the removal of my catheter. Sorry to...
  8. LeakyValve

    Update on Jennifer = ponytaila1a

    More prayers and thoughts forthcoming from the DC area. We're ALL pulling for you, Jennifer. You are in good hands in Cleveland. Michal
  9. LeakyValve

    Who all uses some type of noise to sleep with?

    Ross - I use the "Healing" music mix I made from iTunes that was originally supposed to be playing on the iPod during surgery. However, I forgot the iPod in the whirlwind that was pre-op. The mix does help me sleep better, I think. Mike
  10. LeakyValve

    Folks with minimally invasive surgery

    Lou - Interesting. I always thought the doc would have gone in on the left side like yours, but my doc said that he had more direct view through the right side. Given the fact that I was in good condition just before surgery (and asymptomatic to boot), my cardio was comfortable with me doing...
  11. LeakyValve

    New to Forum - MVR Last Week - Fairfax, VA

    Rich - Great to hear! What a weekend to get out and play with your son! Glad I could help. I connected with JeffM (Fairfax) and we went for a bike ride on Sunday. A reunion or happy hour should definitely be in the works for the DC-area folks. Only other advice I would give - and this was...
  12. LeakyValve

    Folks with minimally invasive surgery

    Lou - Was your incision on the left side? Mine was on the right. I would have aches/pains if I'd been coughing a lot or I was using those muscles (especially during weight training). From what I was told, there is some rearranging of the "furniture" inside when things start to settle down...
  13. LeakyValve

    New to Forum - MVR Last Week - Fairfax, VA

    Rich - Sorry to hear about the bouts with A-Fib. Glad to hear things appear to be heading in the right direction. Two things I've learned: this group is fantastic for providing information, advice and comfort; and recovery is 100% specific to the person and your body will tell you when it's...
  14. LeakyValve

    Northeastern University Football Player

    I believe routine physicals will be turning up more and more heart-related issues for people as doctors and the press are getting more informed on what we've got going on inside us all. I checked several sources and could not find out which "valve abnormality" that this young man has that will...
  15. LeakyValve

    Your scar--try to hide it or not?

    In a bizarre twist to this thread, I wish I had MORE of a scar to show. The mini-incision that Dr. Massimiano made just under my right pectoral muscle isn't even visible unless I raise my hand. "Raise your hand if you're Sure!"