Gained Weight - My Dad

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2007
Hi Guys

My mom called me this morning, she asked me to ask on the board if anyone else gained weight after surgery. My father is about 6 weeks into his recovery and just the past 2 weeks or so gained about 10 pounds. My father had a acive lifestyle before the surgery and now he sits a lot, he probably is snacking more than normal too. Both my parents seem worried. What do you guys think? They are actually going to the casino for the day today for my moms birthday. I am alittle worried but they really want to go.

Anyone gain after surgery? :(

I gained too - 10 pounds...from QUITTING SMOKING, I made it to a month...but this is about my dad right now!!!
I also gained weight post op...first, it's important to rule out problems with fluid retension. I believe the rule was if you gained more than a pound a day for 3-4 days contact your doctor. Also, any meds? Many heart meds have a side effect of weight gain.
ps....I'll be in CT. this weekend for the grandson's b'day....Clinton, Ct.
Is he weighing himself every day? If not, he needs to be. At this point, I can't tell if it's simple weight gain or water retention. If it's water retention, it needs addressed. Are his feet/ankles swollen or does he look puffy?
Hmm...fluid...well he was already seen by his cardio and the surgeon for the month post op and no concern there. I believe the weight gain is from the past 2 weeks, can fluid build up now even though surgery was over a month ago? Is it safe they go out of town today? ( they left already ). Ummm...I know he doesnt drink a lot of water...I am a bit worried now.
He does not weight himself every day. He takes a lot of meds but nothing new. I think my mom mentioned his legs might have looked a tiny bit swollen but I am not sure. Can they go out of town today?
I do know that every time I went to the surgeon or cardio or my PCP, they checked my ankles and legs for swelling. I was lucky to not have the swelling. Best of luck to your dad.
Yes, but make sure he's weighing himself every day and if he suddenly gains 5 lbs overnight, he needs to be seen by his Cardiologist pronto.
I just called them again, they are on the bus...I over heard my dad in the backgroud telling his HEALTH history to the bus driver LOL - My mom feels horrible that they are going now...she said MAYBE she should be home calling doctors about this. When my dad was in the hospital he had swollen hands and legs from fluid and it went away. He is NOT swollen at all right now, just up on the scale. She is nervous he has fluid and they are going out of town today. I told her to call the doctors Monday then. so its ok they go to the casino?
I know I gained weight, but I also was forcing food down my throat right after surgery to get my strength back. Once I got home and was able to become more active, it all came off plus some extra pounds. If he is not as active as he was prior and eating alot, he is going to gain. Like everyone else said make sure he is not retaining fluids.
JoJo, if that is really weight gain your dad must be doing excellent. That is great! I would suspect liquid but would think he would be swelled. Can't be too careful.

Six weeks after surgery I hadn't gained back any of the 22 pounds I lost. I sure wouldn't felt like riding a bus but my case was different.

Hope they win a bunch and have fun. :)
Probably just form the change in his activity level and a little extra snacking! I put a few on after I got home, and never had a problem with water retention. I wouldn't worry too much about them being out of town today, but if it were me, I would probably get it checked out as soon as reasonably possible.
I'd get it checked out. I had pericardial tamponade due to fluid retention 2 weeks post-op. After it was over, my Cardio said to keep an eye out for any unusual weight gain for several months after that. In fact he prescribed something (I forget the name, but it's a drug that's actually used to treat gout but has also proven to be effective against pericardial fluid problems) as a precaution against fluid retention. Apparently if you've had fluid retention problems post-op, there is a greater probability of reoccurance even several months out.
I lost weight a few weeks after surgery, but then gained them back and struggling to get my weight down again despite my efforts and exercise.

How is his salt intake. It was recommended that I did not add any salt to my food for a longer than 6 weeks time. While on their trip, if he has any dieuretic, it maybe helpful to take a small dose for one day especially that food outside home may be loaded with salt and he may retain more fluids. It is a good idea to check with the doctor on their return.

Keep us posted; AND you keep up the good strong willou are doing great, and those few lbs will go down later.

Keep us posted :)
So long as he's not swollen up around the feet and ankles, then he's probably fine. You lose a lot of weight from surgery and then usually gain back more afterwards.
HI again. I just got off the phone with my parents. My dad has a cold now too. Nasal cold. He said he feels kinda "winded" from time to time...since the past 2 weeks along with the weight gain. This morning he is the same weight from yesterday. My mom is a nervous wreck. My dad seems ok...just a little tired I think. THey are going to keep a close eye on how he feels and if needed all the doctor on Monday. I am so nervous.
OMG - pericardial tamponade ...I researched that, now I am really scared over here...Do I mention this to my parents??? I dont know what to this an emergency or do they go to the ER??? He was going out today to have his trucked worked on. I am really nervous.
he would have symptoms if that were the case. If he is feeling well, then do not worry. If he gets short of breath more than what you would expect from a cold, then he should call the doctor.

It is normal to have a little tiredness after OHS, also to have some "winded feelings. Just as long as they are not for a long period of time, or cause him to lose sleep.

The weight gain may be just because he isn't as active as he normally is.
I got the weight gain, but didn't get any noticeable swelling, when I had the fluid problem. However, I did feel kind of "bloated" and very lethargic. I wouldn't jump to any conclusion about this being pericardial tamponade, or anything else. However, if you think this weight gain is abnormal, and he's not feeling well, and you are worried and nervous, then I suggest he get checked out just to be safe, and for your own peace of mind. Maybe it's nothing, but my surgeon's advice to me after my PT episode was ...."when in doubt, get checked out". I didn't call right away as I didn't want to bother anyone and I ended up in the hospital for a week and had to get drained surgically. That's when he scolded me for not calling when I first started feeling poorly. He was very explicit about calling if ever I had any doubts. Luckily I never had to again as the road was smooth after that.