Revatio - Effects of

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
Well, I found out last week that even cutting the dosage of revatio for my PH, down from 60mg to 40mg daily still produced almost the same affects for me. Within two hours of taking the first pill, the dull headache started, bloody nose & an awful pressure whenever I bent down for anything & just a general feeling of unwellness.

So, now I've cut it back to 20mg a day & I'm very well with that. Unfortunately I don't know if this will address the high PH issues until I have another Echo done which isn't due for another 3 months. All I know is that I cannot tolerate the recommended dosage of this medication, period! :(
Norma, let's hope that this new dose has the same effect and is the right dose for your PH...the body talks to us in its own language.

I've been thinking of you & the Coreg that you were prescribed & how it affected you ---- the same thing has happened to me with this med! All I know that if it's going to make me feel worse, I don't want it!

P.S. In case you're wondering ---- that's my Mardi Gras avatar!! :)
UGG I'm sorry you are still having problems, I hope when you have the echo it is good news and this lower dose is doing the job.

ps thanks for the avatar info I was wonderring about the blue pic
It is obvious these 'masters' are too bored and have lots of free time and lots of extra money. They own pets to amuse themselves, rather than to take care of these pets! or 'they' think they are pampering them?! who knows?!
I've been thinking of you & the Coreg that you were prescribed & how it affected you ---- the same thing has happened to me with this med! All I know that if it's going to make me feel worse, I don't want it! ....

Let's hope not, Norma. My body was telling me it was a high dose, and it was, and now I have been off it for 8 far, so good.

"It has been said that our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength
".-- Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Stay positive and strong, my friend :)
Norma, Sorry you are having problems with this drug, but hopefully, it is still doing it's job. You know I feel your pain.

Norma, I am sorry you're not having better luck with the meds. Seems to be a lot of that going around.:( I hope your tolerated dose works. As far as the slap goes, I can think of some doctors and nurses that could use one too! Brian
Well, I found out last week that even cutting the dosage of revatio for my PH, down from 60mg to 40mg daily still produced almost the same affects for me. Within two hours of taking the first pill, the dull headache started, bloody nose & an awful pressure whenever I bent down for anything & just a general feeling of unwellness.

So, now I've cut it back to 20mg a day & I'm very well with that. Unfortunately I don't know if this will address the high PH issues until I have another Echo done which isn't due for another 3 months. All I know is that I cannot tolerate the recommended dosage of this medication, period! :(
Blast it all anyway!!!! I hope the 20 works for you.