Just received my INRatio 2!

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Active member
Jun 5, 2008
Manchester, NH, USA
I'm new to home testing and I've been wanting to do it since my surgery 8 months ago. Anyway, the QAS trainer delivered my INRatio 2 yesterday. She gave me a 30 minute training session and then she was on her way. I was amazed at how easy the process is and also at how small the monitor is! Can't wait to start using it on a regular basis!

Question: I'm leaving for a vacation in FLA. next week and will have to take the monitor with me. Has anyone experienced problems with getting the monitor through airport security?
I've had no problems traveling with my INRatio. I've flown within the US and to Europe with it. I always take it in carry-on so I don't risk it getting lost.

Congratulations on your new home monitor! You will absolutely love it & will guard it with your life!

As for traveling with it, I took mine with us when we went to Alaska last year & had no problems at all at the airports. Make sure to pack it in the case it came in & put it on top of your clothes (not hidden in other words) because airport personnel will check it.

In fact, I carried mine with me in my carry on in the plane, along with all my medications, without any problems at all.

Stay well & enjoy your vacation! :)

No problem flying with an INR machine. Do keep it in a carry-on bag. I traveled several times with my ProTime 3; have yet to travel with my INRatio but will probably take it to St. Louis next month for the vr.com reunion.

Unlike CPAP machines, you do not need to take INR units out when you go through security. We flew 3 years ago to Minnesota and John did not have to take his CPAP unit out of its carrying bag then; rules have changed since then, but do not include INR testers, a TSA supervisor told me at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.