Sinus Issues Post Surgery

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Jan 18, 2009
I have a major question.

Right after I got out of surgery and my breathing tube removed, my nose started running. Then within a couple of days before being released, my nose still running, and I would get a bloody nose every time I would blow it. Now 10 weeks post surgery, I still have a runny nose. I have been to my primary care, cardiologist and am trying to get into an ENT. I have taken all kinds of medicines, for allergies, colds and prescriptions. I talked to my cardiologist about this 2 weeks ago, and that is when he told me to see an ENT, he said because he thinks they were too rough with my sinus passage during intubation. Has anyone ever heard of this or had this happen to you? If so what worked to make things better? I am dying to get this better, I have already ended up in the ER 3 times for this, from coughing and fever some times. Typically just runny nose every day. Thanks.

It wouldn't be the intubation I wouldn't think, but it might well be they screwed up with the Nasogastric tube. Honestly, the ENT is the best idea. Sounds more like a serious undiagnosed sinus infection. How are your teeth?
My teeth are clean and good. I had a cleaning prior to my surgery.

My teeth are clean and good. I had a cleaning prior to my surgery.


Just looking for possible alternate causes. That's good. I had crappy teeth that caused me all kinds of grief. Finally had them all removed last October.
It wouldn't be the intubation I wouldn't think, but it might well be they screwed up with the Nasogastric tube. Honestly, the ENT is the best idea. Sounds more like a serious undiagnosed sinus infection. How are your teeth?

I was wonderring why you think it wouldn't be the intubation?
I was only on it for a few hours after the surgery. So there was nothing different about how long I was hooked up. My discharge is clear. Right now we are trying robitussin with codine, until I get to an ENT. I have even done sinus rinses, not the greatest feeling and then I sneeze a lot after. Thanks for all the help so far.

At 10 wks post op my nose was still running....since it was clear I never concerned myself with it.
I figured it was better that it was running than if it was blocked up somewhere in my head. :)
Are you taking Metoprolol? One of the "not so common" side effects of Metoprolo is a runny nose.
I am on none of that. But I went to the ENT last week and he said that I might have spinal fluid leaking into my sinus cavity. I asked him how this could happen. He said that he was not for sure and we should not focus on the why but the how to fix it if this is what is wrong. But he said that when they took the ventilator off, and made me cough, that my pressure in my head around my brain could have been high and it needed to release somewhere. So therefore it could have made a hole in my head. Other than this, he is not sure what it could be. I have an MRI scheduled later this week. Does this make sense that this could happen?
I have had sinus surgery 7 years ago and my nose has been running since my OHS too.It is nothing new for me it's better than being blocked that's when I get into trouble.Sometimes the top teeth throb when there is a sinus infection. Hopefully it's nothing and will resolve on its own.
I was wondering why you think it wouldn't be the intubation?

Intubation goes down your throat, missing your nose and sinuses entirely. They may place a smaller nasogastric tube in for some people (not me) for other reasons, and that could cause an issue. Or if you had an oxygen clip up your nose after the surgery, perhaps that could cause some long-term irritation.

Or maybe they stuff something in your nose during the surgery, like old socks or something. They can pretty much do what they want while you're out...

I did have an issue with intubation, inthat they "clipped" one of my vocal cords slightly, causing some permanent damage to my voice. But again, that wasn't through the nose.

The ENT will know. This is entirely within an ENT's domain. Please let us know what he says.

Best wishes,
Intubation goes down your throat, missing your nose and sinuses entirely. They may place a smaller nasogastric tube in for some people (not me) for other reasons, and that could cause an issue. Or if you had an oxygen clip up your nose after the surgery, perhaps that could cause some long-term irritation.

Or maybe they stuff something in your nose during the surgery, like old socks or something. They can pretty much do what they want while you're out...

I did have an issue with intubation, inthat they "clipped" one of my vocal cords slightly, causing some permanent damage to my voice. But again, that wasn't through the nose.

The ENT will know. This is entirely within an ENT's domain. Please let us know what he says.

Best wishes,

Justin has had intubation both ways, sometimes thru his nose and others mouth, I think they call it nasal intubation
Sorry... My bad, Lyn. I didn't think the nasal tubes were used for this surgery, but I see that it is.

Possible issues from using this type include the displacement of the adenoids or a bloody nose. Maybe the issue is because your adenoids were disturbed, Juanita?

Do you know if you had a nasal or oral breathing tube?

Best wishes,
I have no idea, I will have to ask. Thanks for all the help. I have the MRI tomorrow and can't wait to make it better. I will let you all know as soon as I hear
I have had a runny nose since surgery on Jan 22. Mostly clear, just a pain always having to have Kleenex close by. My sinus cavities in my head are now getting sore as well.
Well I had the tests done just have yet to get any results. Slowly out of the blue my nose is starting to get better. My only major problem with it, is that I snore like a freight train at night, which I never snored before. My husband and I now sleep in separate rooms, this is so not right for newlyweds.

Buffy, it will get better over time. Just make sure you stock up on Kleenex with Aloe and Lotion. I could go through boxes and boxes of this without damaging my nose. I also would use a vaporizor at night, this helped to keep my nose moist at night, to where I would not get this sudden flow of mucus as soon as I got out of bed. I hope this helps you. One other thing, where do you live? As I also think that mine was a combo with allergies, as we are new to the area we live in and I started taking some allergy meds and it has helped too. Just took me about 5 different meds to get it right.