klynnc post surgery

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I am now 5 days post op and happy to say all the worry over mechanical vs tissue valve was for nothing. My surgeon at the CC was able to repair my aortic valve and said the tissue was in good condition and he hopes and expects it to outlast me, meaning possibly no more surgeries down the road.
I'm doing okay with recovery, but have had some serious naussea set backs! My 3rd day was the best day and before and after then I have been dreadfully nausseated. I am still in the hospital until tomorrow b/c of some visual problems. I have had blurred vision and a lot of floaters. I went Friday for an opthamology appt and they found nothing wrong even though I was having double vision in the right eye at the time. Tomorrow (Mon) I go for a neuro opthomology appt. I'll keep you posted. Glad to have it all over with.
So glad you were able to get a repair and sending best wishes that the vision problems and nausea soon abate. Looking forward to seeing you post from home in the post surgery thread.
I have had vision & nausea problems too.The vision problems aren't that often and seem to be getting beter. The nausea is better now that I'm off the digoxin, but still not 100%,I find it's better to nibble all day than eat big meals.Hang in there..
Repair......Great News! Sorry you have the vision and nausea problems. Hope they get that straightened out for you. Wishing you a smooth recovery.