Now this is a wasted 7 year old!

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It was so hard for him to describe the alternate reality of sedation.
And I thought the funniest part when he put up his hands and says
.."Why is this happening to me...?" too cute.
Who is minding the store in the dentist's office?

Who is minding the store in the dentist's office?

This bothers the heck out of me.

When my son was very young, I had to take him to the dentist more than a few times. When I worked with the domestic shelter, I took the young children to the dentist. Never, never in all the times that I accompanied young children (and their parents) did I see such behavior as was demonstrated in this clip.

The dentist who did this to that child, in my opinion, is not one that I would
trust at all. THis clip shows that the child was over medicated...and the dentist should have known better. The dentist should never have let the child leave his premises in this state.

This reminds me of my son when he got his wisdom teeth pulled his freshman year in college. His recovery immediately after was the most hilarious 1/2 hour of my life. He wasn't confused and upset like this little boy. He was just saying the funniest things. After the first few minutes I realized I needed to start writing down everything he said.
I really wonder what he was given,it doesn't seem like the anything I have
ever seen or experienced. It almost seemed hallucinogenic in its effect.
When the Dad mentioned stitches - I'm guess he had some pretty big tooth removal. I know the anesthesia they used on my son was like the truth serum kind (which is a plus for a mom sitting with her 20 year-old son in recovery!) I remember the nurse telling me that young men were usually funny, young women were usually criers and many children were combative after.

I agree with Blanche, I'm not sure why this child was released to go home. He was clearly still under the influence of the anesthetic and should have been monitored. My son was fully awake and aware, talking coherantly (and in a lot of pain) when we left.
too funny! reminds me of when they gave my kids versed "giggle juice" before taking them back to the OR ... we had to video some of it, too, it was hilarious, hubby & I had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard!
That was funny! I too expected him to upchuck! Sorry guys if your reading this during breakfast.

I agree with Blanche though. That dentist should have never let that child leave until the drug wore off. He should have been monitored.

Good quote Pam! :D