Sometimes, one must take things into your own hands......

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
Hello all!

Well, I visited w/my cardiologist yesterday & here is a summary of what happened:

1.) He wants me to remain on the 20mg 2x/day revatio as I seem to tolerate that doseage better --- an Echo in 5-months will tell if the meds have addressed the high PH;

2.) I asked him point blank, so what now doc? Have I reached a medical/surgical plateau & am I just taking more meds to keep me comfortable because nothing else can be done for me at this point?

3.) Do I want to wait around to die and/or risk my present condition worsening to the point of no return? (I was told in June/2007 in Houston by the cardiologist there, that if I waited too long to attempt to swap out the mal-functioning prosthetic mitral valve, I may be looking at a heart/lung transplant or perhaps no options at all at that point!) :eek:

3.) Should I return to Dr. Cooley & his medical staff for a reassessment of my condition within the next few months?

My cardio was very receptive to the idea of me going to Houston for the reassessment since, as he put it, "I can't do much more on my end & I know you will not be satisified with anything else I can tell you here!" And he continued, "I would be very satisified with whatever recommendations/advice, Dr. Cooley & his staff can provide."

So, the ball is in my court and this morning I emailed Dr. Cooley thru his medical assistant, Dena Houchin. This is what I said to Dr. Cooley in my email:

Hello Dena:
I pray this email finds you well & I wish you a very Happy 2009! I am emailing an update on my condition so that you may relay this information to Dr. Cooley.

Dear Dr. Cooley,

Wishing you a very Happy & Healthy 2009. I pray that you are well and still actively involved with the happenings at the Texas Heart Institute.

In May/08, my husband & I took a cruise/tour of Alaska. It was our first cruise and it was absolutely wonderful! We actually hope that we may visit again, depending on our health off course.

I visited with my cardiologist, Dr. Demo Klonis, yesterday, whom I've been seeing every 3-months for a check-up & having an Echo performed at 6-month intervals. (I am attaching a copy of the last 2 echo's of 9/08 & 12/08.)

I have been feeling relatively well but seem to be suffering with PH now as revealed in the last two Echo's attached. Dr. Klonis prescribed revatio about a month ago but I was NOT tolerating it too well. I started having bad headaches, a lot of pressure in my head, nosebleeds & just a feeling of unwell ness. After about 3-weeks of being on the 20mg 3x day, I cut it back to 20mg 2x a day & seem to be doing much better on that dose. Dr. Klonis wants me to continue to stay on that dose & see where my pressures are for my next Echo in 5-months.

Upon my visit yesterday, I asked Dr. Klonis where I stand? He has reiterated to me that he has spoken to you about in the past year and you have expressed reluctance in performing a 4th OHS to replace the 34-year old mitral prosthesis valve due to the massive amount of scar tissue and the risks involved thereof.

But if I remember correctly, upon my last visit to see you in June/07, Dr. Biswajt Kar stated that if I waited too long and did nothing, I may be looking at a heart-lung transplant and perhaps that may not even be an option at that point either! I remember too, you expressed relief when I decided against a 4th surgery in 2007 and opted to come home instead. Did you express relief because you knew at that point that I was not mentally prepared to have this surgery or because you feel that I am a dead-end and/or surgerical options are no longer available to me? This is the question that plagues me Dr. Cooley and if such is the case, I want to know this.

I asked Dr. Klonis yesterday if he thinks I should return to Houston and have my situation reassessed by your team of doctors? He said that perhaps that was a good idea as he could not tell me what I should do at this point. He said that he would feel very comfortable with whatever decisions/recommendations came from you & your staff, as would I.

I value your advise and recommendations above all else, Dr. Cooley, so my question to you is, do you think I should return to Houston and be reassessed sometime soon or continue as I am and pray I don't reach that point of no return?

I shall await your reply and I thank you from the bottom of my mended heart for taking time from your busy schedule to read the ramblings of one of your humble and ever grateful patient's.

Respectfully yours,


Would appreciate your feedback. Do you think I'm pushing the envelope & I'm looking for my own demise or should I just let well enough alone?
NJean I think it is a perfect letter and think you do need to get the answers to the questions you have, if only for your own peace of mind and not be plagued by what ifs. You might not like the answers you get, but you WILL at least have the answers and know what to expect. and hopefully you get good answers
Wow. That puts it politely, but bluntly. I hope he will reassess you, and has some viable (pun fully intended) options for you.
Good letter,and I think going to see Dr Cooley for re-assessment is the
best plan. Please keep us informed,wishing you the best-Dina:)
Good letter, Norma. I will be very interested in what the response is. Joe was told by his excellent cardiologist almost the exact words that yours said. But he had already gone past the point of no return.

So I am hoping for a thoughful and positive response for you.

God bless.
Looks like a good letter to me with very clear questions and concerns. I know 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. surgeries carry added risk, but eventually you get to the point where the benefit exceeds the risk. Dr. Cooley and/or his staff should be able to tell you when you get to that point.
Good for you Norma!

Everyone needs to know what their options are. No matter what your age maybe! God bless you and may you find what you are looking for. I am interested in finding out what your Doctor will say.
Norma, The letter goes right to the point and was written with good detail. Know all you can do is wait my friend and do alot of praying. I had tears in my eyes reading it because of knowing what you've been through and the upmost strength you have. You are truly a remarkable lady and i think the world of you. I look forward to the day we meet soon I hope. I know where your hope comes from and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Keep us posted if you hear anything. I will try calling you so we can chat.
Norma, you did a good job with your cardio and with the questions listed in your letter. I can feel your frustration and it is frustrating and you do not need this. I eagerly await with you to hear their response, and meanwhile concentrate on positive thoughts.:)
Norma, I think your letter is perfect. You have a right to know what options are available to you at this point. One question though, why are they so concerned about a 4th surgery with you? I know of several people who have had them and I, myself, will be looking at at least four before I'm done, God willing. I realize that there is an increase of risk with each one, but I would have to think that that risk is less than trying for a heart lung transplant. You seem to be much too healthy to me to be at this point. I mean, don't you still have a fairly active day to day life, or am I wrong about that?

I realize that you have a lot of faith in Dr. Cooley, but at this point, if I were you, I would probably persue a couple of other opinions from places who have extensive experience with multiple OHS as well, just to cover your bases.

You absolutely did the right thing, Norma, and I'm sure you will be relieved when you get an answer one way or another.:)
Good letter Norma. Ya know they always say the squeeky wheel gets the grease, so hopefully you will receive some positive answers to your questions. I will pray that you will be offered some good options.:)
Excellent letter, Norma. Hopefully you will hear good news from Dr. Cooley and/or his team very soon. You have all my very best wishes.
Thank you all for your input & I have received a reply from Dena, Dr. Cooley's assistant, that she will relay my email to Dr. Cooley. Now I just wait to hear from the man himself.

Some of you ask, why not seek the opinion of another surgeon, perhaps Cleveland or elsewhere? My answer is & in my humble opinion, Dr. Cooley is the best of the best -- there is God and then there is Dr. Cooley. He is a pioneer in heart surgery, greater perhaps, then the notable Dr. Debakey who was one of the best! In 1969, Dr. Cooley became the first heart surgeon to implant an artificial heart in a patient.

All my previous OHS have been performed at St Luke's in Houston and all my medical history/records rest in their files.

As to why a 4th OHS is considered so high risk, the scar tissue in and around the mitral prosthesis valve, has been described as a "bowl of spaghetti". It would be a grueling undertaking by any surgeon to cut through all that scar tissue without cutting thru a major blood vessel causing major bleeding, stroke or instantenous death. Plus, due to the intricacy of the surgery, the amount spent hooked up to the heart/lung machine, lessens my chance of survival and/or recovery from the surgery! :eek:

Thank you again & I appreciate you waiting with me! I will let you know what transpires when I receive a reply from the doctors in Houston. :)