Does anyone scuba dive?

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I am curious if anyone else was told not to scuba dive anymore. I had mitral valvoplasty Aug 07 and am doing better, but was told not to dive anymore.

I can do any other activity. However, I do get our of breathe running.

Why not scuba diving? I'm going to Jaimaca with my family in June. Who all dive.

Thank you,
I was never told not to dive, but when I showed up the first day of my diving class, they said that if you had any of the following conditions you could not dive. Aortic Stenosis was one. I think someone once told me that the pressure differences would make it more likely that I would pass out while diving and that the problems there would be obvious. This was a while ago and don't remember who told it to me but that was my experience.
I did a search and see where you posed this question up before. Here's a post by MelissaM regarding the issue, but don't know if you saw this at the time:

Check with your cardiologist re: the scuba diving. I had a mitral valve repair, and just yesterday checked with my cardio to see if it was okay. He wrote "I have reviewed your medical records and find no reason why you cannot safely engage in scuba diving."

But, I imagine each case is best reviewed individually. . .good luck!

I still dive. I have read some opinions that deep diving and coumadin could be issues with the pressue causing bruising. However, I never go below 25 feet and have had no issues.
Thank you for your replies. I understood a year and a half ago why I couldn't dive. I was going to Belize a month after my valvoplasty. I really wanted to, but did not. Now I'm going to Jamaica and still can't. I suppose I will listen to my cardiologist. Still wish I could though.

Thank You All,
I'm a certified diver..almost 30 years. I'm BAV with stenosis. Based upon the list of "do's and don'ts" that I was just given, I think I would still dive, but conservatively...i.e., certainly no decompression diving whatsoever, and strictly shallow sport diving in non-challenging environments (no currents to fight, etc.). Disclaimers big time: I am NOT a medical professional, just a guy trying to live life to the fullest. I give no advice, just relating what I'm doing.

Before my surgery, my cardiologists would never sign the papers for me to take the class. They said the pressure was too great. I've never asked since my surgery.


While I haven't done scuba since my AVR surgery in March 2007, my cardiologist told me I could if I wanted to. He seems to think the purpose of AVR surgery is about resuming one's normal activities. Other folks have different opinions and perspectives.

I had deep diving and a high altitude certifications before I stopped diving some years ago. At some point in the future, I'll probably do some again, but I'll be conservative.

It's important to have enough confidence in your cardiologist to follow his/her advice. If mine had said, "No more diving", I'd follow his advice.
