Revatio Update

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
My appointment w/the cardio was cancelled yesterday because he had an emergency at one of our hospitals & it was rescheduled for next Tuesday.

However, I must tell you, that since I cut the dosage from 3x/day to 2x/day, I have been feeling more like myself. :) I don't have the constant pressure in my head, the fogginess I felt is gone, no nose bleeds, and I have more energy. Before, I even had phantom symptoms of CHF which scared the s*t out of me!! :)

So, in a way, I'm glad that my appt was rescheduled for one more week that way I'll know for sure how this new dosage will work for me. Perhaps he can cut it back even more, we'll see.

Take care all & I'm happier camper now!!! :)
Whew! That is good to hear. When I first saw your comments on those awful nosebleeds I was a little worried for you. I'm glad that you meds are working for you not against you. Take Care:)
I guess the more important thing is whether the lower dose will take care of the PH sufficiently. I hope so.
Good news. Hope the lower dose does the trick and keeps you feeling better than the higher dose did.