Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....1-16-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Hi Losers .... :D ... I hope everyone is well and that you had a good week of loosing and moving:) ... It is hard for me to believe that we are at the second ThrowDown of 2009 ... time is flying by faster than the pounds, for me:roll eyes: .... We have kept this thing rolling with some past Losers re=upping and a few new Losers have jumped in!! ... I hope everyone wash had a successful week of pound shedding and that in the upcoming week we will keep the ball rolling!!! .... I will edit this post with my weekly report when I feel so "moved":p
I have been moved:rolleyes: to post a two pound loss for the week ... one more pound and I will be at my 2008 Christmas goal, but what the heck, it's coming down:D ... my goal weight is fixed but thank God the time isn't ... as Bonnie would say, "a pound a week" .... baby steps:)

Starting weight.......233
Last Week .............203
This week...............201:D
Total Loss ..............32
My son has been here visiting from Arizona since Saturday. He goes back on Monday. I still managed to lose one pound this week.

Starting Weight-145
Last Week-141
This Week-140
Total Loss-5 lbs
My son has been here visiting from Arizona since Saturday. He goes back on Monday. I still managed to lose one pound this week.

Starting Weight-145
Last Week-141
This Week-140
Total Loss-5 lbs

Sue .... great job!!! I know how hard it is to lose when company is in the house .... slow and steady wins the race:D
Cooker - a 2 lb loss for 1 week is terrific! The faster you lose weight - the more quickly you gain it back So 2 is good!

Sue - down a pound with a house guest!!!! Good job!

I have not weighed in yet. Will think about doing it tomorrow, but this had been the week where water bloat weight could make the number discouraging. I may wait and weigh in next Friday.

I was wondering when fellow Throw-downers feel their "binge time" is? (If you have one.) That time when you find yourself craving something to eat - even though you know you should be full.

Recently I've found that I can go all day, up to dinner without any desire to hit the cupboards. But after dinner, if I let myself, I could graze until bedtime. I find this interesting. Since I work at home, I'm by myself almost all day. It would seem that this should be the time I'd graze. But it's after dinner, with DH home, that I tend to want to snack.
Cooker - a 2 lb loss for 1 week is terrific! The faster you lose weight - the more quickly you gain it back So 2 is good!

Sue - down a pound with a house guest!!!! Good job!

I have not weighed in yet. Will think about doing it tomorrow, but this had been the week where water bloat weight could make the number discouraging. I may wait and weigh in next Friday.

I was wondering when fellow Throw-downers feel their "binge time" is? (If you have one.) That time when you find yourself craving something to eat - even though you know you should be full.

Recently I've found that I can go all day, up to dinner without any desire to hit the cupboards. But after dinner, if I let myself, I could graze until bedtime. I find this interesting. Since I work at home, I'm by myself almost all day. It would seem that this should be the time I'd graze. But it's after dinner, with DH home, that I tend to want to snack.

Binge time for me is usually in the evening around 9:00-9:30 ? I have no idea why because I have had dinner and am not hungry ? sometimes my sweet tooth kicks in around 3:00 while at work and if I hit the snack machine I?m done:eek: ? I will keep dropping quarters in it until I am out of change or disgusted with myself:rolleyes: ? I?m an emotional binger ? happy, sad, mad ? It only happens once every couple of weeks but when it hits you better not be between me and the food:D
Good goin', all. The Chimp is on the verge of crashing under the 200 barrier! Wow! :D

Superbob will weigh in tomorrow morning. This has been a week of great exercise (lots of jaunts with Superdawg) but erratic eating. Now the plunge in temps will curtail the walks (moving exercise indoors under supervision of personal trainer) and increase the urge for comfort food.

Hopefully Superbob will at least have held his own. Not expecting any major loss after last week's 4.5.
Great job, Sue! The way my scales read this am, I don't think I will lose this week, and I didn't have company!:eek:

Winter, after dinner, is my binge season. This time of year, I can ignore food all day long, but I want dessert every night. I won't cook or bake anything, but I will drag DH along to find a bakery or Dairy Queen that's open.:mad:
That's one reason why I try to go to the gym in the evenings since the exercise seems to counteract the craving.
My binge time has been after I get home from work, which is late. I don't eat a lot in the evening until then. I'm waiting to weigh until tomorrow in case by chance the scale looks more promising at home before venturing out to a WW meeting and making it official. :eek:
My binge time is also in the late evening. It does not matter what I eat for dinner I still want to snack at night. I try everything I can think of to stop myself but going to bed is the only thing that works. Once I start I will eat everything in the house, Popcorn with butter,candies,chips.
Hmmmm - I see a pattern developing - all are reporting binge time as being in the evening. I googled "evening cravings" and it seems evening is the time we want to be bad with food. I'm wondering if there is a physiological reason for this.?

Mary - good idea on exercising then.
Part of my evening dilemma is that I find little time to eat after I leave the house for work; I'll adjust, hopefully, and get a little more mature about having to make up for lost eating time. :rolleyes:
Oh yeah, food... you meant food. Superbob is a nocturnal forager, who eats anything he can find when prowling at 3 a.m. -- leftovers, and sometimes even DW's hidden caches of candy if he can find them. :D Sometimes it is possible that Superbob's foes have planted kryptonite as well through the kitchen and pantry.
Oh yeah, food... you meant food. Superbob is a nocturnal forager, who eats anything he can find when prowling at 3 a.m. -- leftovers, and sometimes even DW's hidden caches of candy if he can find them. :D Sometimes it is possible that Superbob's foes have planted kryptonite as well through the kitchen and pantry.

This does indeed sound like one of Lex Luthor's fiendish plots!:eek: You are in grave danger, SuperBob!:eek:You must not leave your bedroom to go on a late night forage!Put Superdawg in front of your door and do not attempt to get past her!:cool: