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Cameron Supporter
Supporting Member
Nov 3, 2008
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Just had a call from the Doc's office - my spot for tomorrow has been taken by an emergency:( so I have a new date of Monday January 26th:). Same deal 'though, possible bump if another emergency arrives. I wonder how many times they can bump you in a row:rolleyes:? Maybe once the snow has gone from Vancouver the number of snow related heart emergencies will drop and things will get back to schedule:p!
The good news is that I will be able to fully celebrate my wife's birthday on the 21st:D!
Anyway - watch this space.
Oh, I know that is disappointing, As you say, at least you can enjoy your wifes birthday. There is a possitive to it. I know when my Dad was in Cleveland Clinic, they kept delaying his w/emergencies. I guess if we are one of those emergencies, we are glad to get the surgeon. Take care and I hope you do not get bumped again.
at least he never got ran over by a car:p:D

Sorry Cameron to hear this anyway.

zipper2 (DEB)
How aggravating to get *right* up to the day

So now you can shop 'til you drop for your better half and knock her socks off, eh? :D

All I ever request anymore from hub and kids is fleece, fleece and more fleece - drafty old house + old lady bones + heating oil costs = wrap yourself up nice and tight! even indoors! :p

So sorry for the delay.

I've been there so I know what you are going through and it isn't easy to deal with. Just told myself that things happen for a reason. My operation was worth the wait I'm sure yours will be too.

So sorry, Cameron. I will change it on the calendar to the 26th. I'm glad you will be there for your wife's birthday. She deserves something special this year for all the TLC she is going to give you!
You poor thing, gearing yourself up then coming down with a bump.

Some years ago when my daughter was having surgery I watched the woman who had been in the bed opposite to my daughter being told to dress and go home, that her surgery had been delayed until another day due to an emergency taking her slot. She had been fasted all day in preparation for her operation, a long day. I felt guilty as my daughter was that emergency.
Ugh - how frustrating for you. I can't imagine getting myself all mentally prepared for "X" date, then being told it isn't going to happen. Hope you can keep yourself occupied in the meantime and a birthday celebration is just the thing!

A : )
I too am a believer in 'things happen for a reason'. This must be frustrating, but hang in there. I am sure your wife will be pleased that you can celebrate her birthday with her! Thinking of you.
Snow? don't you guys have snow blowers. When we bought our house I shoveled 6 inches of snow. Then I thought my wife doesn't pay me enough and I bought a snow blower. I thought that snow blowers came with the purchase of a home by Canadien law. I could be wrong. Truthfuly, my first surgery in 2005 was bumped 5 times. 2 times was because a 18 month old baby girl got a matching heart for transplant. I can handle that. It gets frustrating I know. I needed Xanex by the end of the week. The thing that really kept me positive was that these people are worse off than me. So, by my reasoning my problem wasn't that bad. OK I lied to myself but it worked for a week.
Sorry for your wait, hope the time goes quick for you. All the best.
All I ever request anymore from hub and kids is fleece, fleece and more fleece - drafty old house + old lady bones + heating oil costs = wrap yourself up nice and tight! even indoors! :p

How about CAULK, Storm Windows, 'Shrink Wrap' for the Windows (on the inside), Draft 'snakes' at the bottom of doors and windows, etc. ?

Wearing Flannel PJ's under shirts / jeans helps a LOT,
plus 2 pairs of Socks (light weight first and heavier on the outside).
Also wear a non-ventilated cap or ski cap.

Stay Warm :)
You need an upgrade on your knowledge of Canadian geography and weather:D! Vancouver is on what is lovingly known to the rest of Canada as the "Wet Coast" or "Lotus Land" as, on this side of the rockies on the coast, we generally have VERY mild winters - generally the average temp is 5C, so -11C was , to say the least, unexpected:eek:!. This year has, and continues to be, "special" :rolleyes: in that huge cold arctic air masses have settled over the country bringing universally frigid temps and LOTS of snow. In Lotus Land we are more accustomed to buying leaf blowers than snow blowers:D! I still have a couple of feet in my back yard and 5 feet of snowbank on the side of my driveway (lovingly created by my wiry little wife of 4'11") even after 5 days of solid rain! I do live up on the mountain side so the grass is green on the flat, but it was black icy everywhere this morning again.
Thanks to all for your best wishes - I almost think having a couple of dry runs helps you to level out on the worry side as the whole thing takes on a slightly unreal status:cool:!
Thanks to all for your best wishes - I almost think having a couple of dry runs helps you to level out on the worry side as the whole thing takes on a slightly unreal status!

I see your point a few of Justin's surgeries he was bumped 2 or more times, BUT 2 surgeries he was the Bumpee. But until he was being wheeled down the hall we tended not to believe he would actually be having surgery so it was a whole different mindset.