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Woa this is rad. I was gonna post a picture of my scar when I first got out of the hospital but I didnt know if that was kosher around here. Here's one my mom took the day after I got home (9 days post-op)
Wow, not bad. Did you have staples or sutures? Looks like railroad tracks to me. ;)
yea the staples were still in in that pic. i think originally they sutured me but i went into v-fib right after and they had to cut me back open. the dots from the staples are finally starting to disappear. yay!
i put the bandaids on cuz i picked at my JP holes while they were trying to, you know, heal. essentially cuz i'm a big dummy :)
I'm surprised you can get your arms up that high. And even harder to get the shirt on and off. You are doing great.
Nice scar, agreed. How long is it? We have one that is only four inches, done by a lady pediartic thoracic surgeon. And some like mine, a 13.5" Grand Canyon, created for a surgeon whose hands were as gifted as an angel's - but as big as Mickey Mouse's.


The Shirt! The Shirt! It's also about the Shirt! That's not a Tawdry Shirt. It's a normal shirt.

Where are the Tawdry Shirts out there? Who has one?

I have one or two more, if we need to put another into circulation. The idea is that the shirts go to those having their surgery, and they take a picture with the shirt. Then the shirt is washed and sent on to the next valvee, along with a signed, dated copy of the picture.

It's a way of actually touching and connecting with the support of VR.com, and being able to wear it, like a...well...like an ugly shirt. But one that we share and pass on to each other.

There are hopes that these glad and silly rags can circle to our members around the earth over time.

Who needs the next Tawdry Shirt?

Best wishes,