Tentative Date on the "Wet Coast"

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Nov 3, 2008
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Well, I just got a call from my surgeon's office and he can fit me in on a cancellation next Wednesday, 10th December:eek:! I just did the pre-admission clinic on the 1st Dec due to a cancellation, so I am on a roll:D! I have been advised that Dr. Ling is on call that week so that if there is an emergency my surgery date may be bumped, hence the "tentative" label. If I DO get bumped then it looks like my surgery would not be until February "at the earliest":(, so I kind of hope that nothing happens to make me miss the Dec 10 date. It will be nice to be fixed and well on the mend for Christmas and my Birthday on Jan 2nd, although it will be a bit of a shock to all family and friends that don't know about this yet, as we were keeping it under wraps until after the holidays thinking that the earliest date would be in late January. I think there are a few others with the same date so I wish everyone luck and will see you all on the other side;)!
P.S. I'll let you know if I get bumped:mad:!
I put you on the calendar for December 10th and will pray that you don't get bumped. Best wishes.


You have all my best wishes for an easy surgery and a quick recovery.

Remember, it's easier to come down the mountain than it is to climb the mountain.

Wishing you lots of luck and what a Christmas present that will be.

My 3 year old grandson told my husband yesterday that if he wasn't good the reindeer would poop on his presents. Where do they get these ideas?:D
December 10 must be a magical day, as that is my day, too.
December 10.....that is a good Second Birthday.
Chin up....we can do this!
Hello from another on the "Wet Coast" (although we have had just stunning clear, crisp weather these last few days...haven't you?)

You have a great attitude!! I hope your magic day remains December 10th.

Best wishes!! Do keep us posted.

Thanks everyone for the positive energy:),
We just did all the calls to let friends and family know and they went well - everyone very positive and supportive. Timing will be great if things go as planned on the 10th as my wife is off work on 18th for three weeks and can keep me on my toes with the exercises etc!, although the "waiting on me hand and foot" idea is more what I would prefer:D!
Will be thinking of you on the 10th as well as sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Will keep my fingers crossed that you don't get bumped...:)
Hello from another on the "Wet Coast" (although we have had just stunning clear, crisp weather these last few days...haven't you?)

You have a great attitude!! I hope your magic day remains December 10th.

Best wishes!! Do keep us posted.


We truly have had an awesome fall this year on the wet coast haven't we?

I hope Cameron's day is the 10th.

Cameron i'm rooting for you on the 10th Dec and then send

some of that valve luck down the highway to Edmonton for me.

Praying for you for the 10th and sending good cyber thoughts

your way....You will be so happy it's over with and we will all

wait for you on VR to tell us all your good experiences of your

surgery. ................You go get im,glad you have a date.:):)

spread that luck over the mountains for me,don't forget:p

zipper2 (DEB)

Here is more support and cheering from the "wet coast" heading your direction! I hope everything goes as smooth as silk for you. Please keep us posted on your progress. God's speed!
