gadoty surgery update

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gadoty1 Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Lake City, FL
Well I made thru! I got out of the hospital yesterday and am doing really good. I had a lot of scar tissue for the surgeon to get thru so my surgery was about 7.5 hours. They gave my an on-x aorta and replaced my aortic root with a graft (can't remember the name). I am on 3 mg warfarin right now and go to a clinic tomorrow to adjust my dose. I was on 5mg for 2 days and my INR went above range which is really fast i guess. My docs say it normally takes a week to get to where i am at so they lowered me to 3mgs. I am gonna try my hardest to get a home monitor. I guess I may be able to get one thru the on-x study even though i am going for a normal INR. We'll see. I'll update you when i can. Thanks for all the well wishes.
So happy things went so well and you are happily home. Take it slow and follow your surgeon's instructions. They really do know best. :)
Happy to hear everything went well, now take it easy and just listen to the instructions you got from surgeon, don't overdo it, and take care of yourself.
home's the best place to be, and home monitoring rules! try really hard to get one, I hear Medicaid covers them, so maybe your insurance would if you have it.

Rest, listen to your body, don't overdo it, no lifting over 5 lbs etc, etc and best wishes for smooth boring (aka bump-free) recovery!
Welcome to the other side. Rest easy and don't forget to use your spirometer.
Congratulations on your successful surgery. Take it easy in the days ahead.

Great to see your post and welcome home sweet home.

Glad to read it all went good.

zipper2 (DEB)
Glad to hear you are home. I think just being home makes you feel better. Hope you have an unevenful recovery. Take care and let us know how you are when you feel like posting.
Well i'm about 2 weeks out now and still doing good. I had a scare last Thursday where i could feel my heart rubbing inside my chest when it beat. I started feeling like i couldn't catch my breath. I waited until Friday morning and was still feeling the same so I tried to call my surgeon and cardiologist who were both closed for the holidays. I went to the ER and had 4 ER docs ask me a million stupid questions and get me really ticked off after sitting on a Gurney for 8 hours (not very comfy with the whole chest incision thing). They gave me no pain meds and no food the whole time i was in there. Took a chest x-ray for which I had to raise both my arms over my head (not supposed to do that after surgery). inally got admitted at 2am and got some food and pain meds. Saturday morning a cardiac surgeon who was on call saw me and said everything looked fine but he wanted to monitor me until Sunday. Got an echo on Sat. and heard nothing else until Sunday morning. The surgeon saw me again and said everything looked fine and i needed to go home. By Sunday the rubbing feeling in my chest was gone and breathing was getting better. I guess i had some normal swelling from my surgery. I probably needed the rest anyways cause with my 2 kids i've been doing a lot more than i should so it wasn't all bad. After my first valve replacement in 2000 i got fluid build up around my heart and had to have a pericardial window to remove it, so i think I was scared that was happening again. Anyways, i'm doing good now and breathing good and no more rubbing so hopefully the rest of my recovery will go smoothely
I feel your pain about the ER I was there 2 days ago and spent 6 hours on those lousy gurneys. The docs meant well but for some reason they kept thinking I had a by pass. My wife and I told them at least 5 times that I had a valve replaced and 1 repaired. They admitted me and said they would give a snack and a drink. My snack and drink turned out to be ice chips. I have developed a hatred for ice chips. Hope your recovery goes well from here on out. Stay positive.