Introduction - Dan, soon to have valve repair

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2008
Darlington (nr Newcastle), England
Hi everyone, I want to introduce myself, Ive been lurking on the board for a while :)

I'm Dan, aged 25, from Darlington - nr Newcastle, in England. I am scheduled to have mitral valve repair surgery before the end of November. I have a congenital heart condition and had a hole in the heart repaired when I was 2 years old. I have always had a leaking (mitral) valve, but only mildly.

Recently it has got worse and I had 2 episodes of heart palpitations a couple of months ago, which led to some tests and the conclusion that I need repair surgery.

I have also just started a blog, as when I found out I needed surgery I was terrified, but by reading around a little my nerves were calmed, and I hopefully want to show others who are waiting and nervous that its not too bad, and the recovery process isn't that long.
Anyway, here is the blog:
I have just recorded a video (on the link above), and plan to do a few more at various stages of recovery...

I've got a few questions I would like to ask within the next few days, but... errr, hi everyone :)
Hi Dan,

So glad you found us and welcome to this wonderful site. Sorry to hear of the circumstances, but there are many members here who have walked in your shoes and will help you every step of the way through your journey. Ask any questions that you may have.

I will be following your blog as well...:)
Me, too

Me, too

Hi Dan, welcome! I'm new to the forum, too, and have only posted a few times. Looks like we'll have OHS within a couple weeks of each other! I'll check out your blog. It's weirdly comforting having someone else go through the same thing about the same time...doesn't feel so lonely.

Welcome, Dan (and DaveEM, too. you have hit the spot for info and support. We are glad to have you with us. lots of questions answered for you.

good luck w/your blog. some years ago we had another member from England who set up a site similar to this one but don't know if it's still around. His name is Jonathan and it was a very good site.

you'll find some of your countrymen/women here in VR.
Welcome, Dan!
I've also has mitral valve repair (almost 2 1/2 years out now!!!). It's frightening, scary, name it. Feel free to ask away!
Debi (debster913)
Hi Dan. Welcome.

I had mitral replacement in February and just want to mention to you that my surgeon hoped he could do a repair but we discussed my valve choice in the event he could not make a good repair he felt would last. He knew my biggest nightmare was a failed repair as this was my second OHS in four years.

As it turned out, he was not able to repair my valve and I was grateful he knew my choice was for tissue valve and that is what he implanted.

It is always a good idea to have the Plan B conversation with your surgeon...... just in case.

Good luck.
Hi Dan!:)
When you get close to a surgery date, let us know and we'll get you on our surgical calendar.
In the meantime, relax, read threads, or ask questions. Someone is usually around 24/7 to keep you company.
Thanks for the warm replies already!

I am having actual open heart rather than a minimally invasive procedure, I have been told this isn't an option for me.

I have had the conversation about the plan B - He said the best option is the mechanical valve as it lasts longer, I think i agree with him, even though it involves taking Warfarin (spelling?..), but he says there is likely an 80% chance of a repair...

I will keep reading around, it is so helpful reading stories of people who have gone through similar circumstances already, and I hope to provide the same for people in the future :)

I will probably post some questions tomorrow :)
Welcome from another MV repair person. I was also given 80% chance of a repair, and here I am with a repaired MV and feeling great! It turned out to be even more complicated than he first thought, but he was able to repair it!:D
Great video. I look forward to following your blog. Don't worry about the scar it will fade over time. Mine is only 8 months old and is disappearing daily.
Take care,
Dan, welcome to the fray! It was a fortuitous occasion when I found this forum, and I hope you benefit from it as much as I have.

Are you planning on trying to get the surgeon to agree to taping some or all of the procedure? That would be bizarre to see yourself on video getting cracked open. Imagine if you could recall what the surgeon said at some point.
Hi Dan - hey, I'm a congenital too! Do you know what your defect was/is (may seem a silly question, but I had no idea what mine was until I got told I needed a new pulmonary valve). I haven't had a chance to check your blog yet, so sorry if you've outlined it there.

In the meantime, welcome and good luck with your surgery!!

A : )
Would like to say hello and welcome,glad your here
Looking forward to your posts.

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi Dan
i am also waiting MV repair ,i to have found a lot of reading on here has helped but still have bad days.look forward to reading your posts
best wishes Dean
Hi Dan,

The blog is fantastic. Hope you're able to keep it up. Looking forward to the next chapter.

I had OHS at the beginning of the year for a mitral valve replacement and can relate to some of your concerns.

Anyway, best of luck and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
