Still in The Waiting Room!

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Dec 26, 2002
Chicago area
Well, I had my semi-annual office consult with my (new) cardio yesterday. My old (and wonderful) cardio moved to another hospital that is probably 45 minutes from home, so I changed to another in the cardio group at Lutheran General in Park Ridge, Illinois. The new cardio is a young man -- at first I thought he was a resident, but he's been there for a number of years.

We talked about my recent echo, and things are basically the same as they were last time. My stenosis is severe, but with no symptoms and no quality of life issues, the new cardio agrees with the old one that he cannot yet recommend surgery "just from the numbers." His conclusion on the timing is much the same as the other cardio -- probably in a year or two, but too early to tell and certainly not yet.

We discussed the pro's and con's of mechanical valve versus tissue for a patient in their early 60's and he indicated that the classical thinking is slowly shifting toward the use of tissue valves in patients as young as early 60's. This is because of the projected useful life span of the newer tissue valves. He was mildly impressed when I pointed out that these new valves haven't yet been in full scale use for that long, though, so the projections were only projections. He reminded me that even Cleveland Clinic has shifted toward more tissue valves.

We also discussed his opinion on percutaneous valve implantation as a saving factor in the event that a tissue valve implanted in a younger patient needs replacement, and he said not to be surprised if we see this method of aortic valve replacement hit the mainstream within the next couple of years. I said "Thanks, but I'm not counting on that. . . "

All-in-all, it was a positive experience. The exam and test results were as good as I could hope for. I can continue with my life for a while while I ponder the VR options. And. . . although I am losing my wonderful cardio of the last 6 years, I feel confident and comfortable with the new choice from the same practice group at a highly-rated hospital close to home.

So, guess I'll just take a look around this old Waiting Room to see what we need to do to keep it comfortable for another few years. . .
Glad you are happy with the new cardio, Steve and we certainly do appreciate you hanging with us while you are in the waiting room.
Steve, you've got company in the waiting room. I just got my test results and the "numbers" don't warrant surgery right now. Glad you like your new cardio.

See you around,
Good news Steve.
Stay in that waiting room.
Regarding valve choice I'm not sure. I was 58 at the time of my surgery and he said I was too young for a tissue valve.
Who knows what may be available when your time comes.
Hi Steve
Good news that you're still in the waiting room!!!! Sorry about the "old" cardio, but glad you like the "young" one. Remember, vacuum and dust that waiting room ---- you might be there a long time and need to keep it clean!!!!

Stay well.

Hi Steve, I agree with all that was said above and your new cardio seems to be quite knowledgeable. In my case, I am 57, my surgeon recommended the mechanical valve even though he said I could go either way. But my niece and her ca,rdiologist husband in France convinced me to go with the mechanical to avoid being reopened again in a few years, or even in 17-20 years when I am older and more fragile. The angels I chatted with on this website also calmed my fears down regarding the Coumadin. So, I went with a high positive attitude to the hospital and I have two St. Jude Mechanical valves. As was said earlier, keep the waiting room well dusted, it may be many years before you will need the surgery. My leak was discovered in 1986 and I made until Sept. 2008. Good luck.
Hi Steve,
Sorry to hear you lost your former cardio, but you seem confident with the new one which is reassuring. That is wonderful news that you get to hang out in the waiting room a while longer! Thank you for sharing this with us. I have my 6 month follow up on Monday and I will let you know if I will still be "hanging out with you" or if I will be joining the others on the other side of the mountain.
Stay well!

Glad you are happy with your new cardio. And, glad that the checkup went well.

And, I agree with others...stay in the Waiting Room!

Now...about those new improvements to the WR ;).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Come along and share the good times while we can" ... Lynn Anderson ... 'Rose Garden'
Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the good wishes and encouragement. I certainly will check up on the cleaning service here in The Waiting Room, and will make sure all the subscriptions (magazines, satellite TV, etc.) are up to date for a while.

And Jim, I don't have the report with me at the moment (I'm at the office) but the numbers are "nearly" the same -- over the past several years the numbers have gradually worsened, but from the last echo (6 months ago) until now, the differences are all within the normal variability of the tests.

As we know, aortic stenosis is not the type of heart condition that causes people to instantaneously drop dead (except for rare extreme cases) but instead it gradually worsens until either the patient demands surgery or one of the numbers gets to a "danger" zone. So far, I'm not in either of these categories, so I get to watch it a bit longer. . .
Hi Steve ~ Great News!!! I'm happy for you that you get to stay in the Waiting Room. I'm glad you like your new Cardiologist too. Best wishes for staying in the Waiting Room for quite a while and please keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. Dawn-Marie
Hi Steve, nice news from the consultation, nice to know that you can keep moving forward all positive. What-ever is coming is coming in it's own good time. Also great you feel happy with the new cardiologist, very comforting when you have one you feel is on the case. Great news for the weekend...something to celebrate :)
hi steve,
so glad to hear you liked your new cardio (although i know you loved your previous one).
i'm so happy that you are still in the waiting room. you stay there for a bit!!!
we'll all keep you company while you wait; no rush.
stay well in the meantime.
all the best,
Glad for you that you got a good report and most importantly that you like your new cardio. Starting over with someone new is not always easy especially if you had a good relationship with your former doctor. I'm glad that you are so positive about being stuck here in the waiting room. I hate to whine on your upbeat post but I am sooooo frustrated being here in the waiting room. I guess I need to borrow some of your positiveness....
You are amazing. Whatever it is you're doing...keep it up!!

Great news and interesting transition to a younger cardio. Keeps it interesting!

Best wishes for a healthy, continuing stay in the Waiting Room.

I certainly will check up on the cleaning service here in The Waiting Room, and will make sure all the subscriptions (magazines, satellite TV, etc.) are up to date for a while.

Just for a while?

Hmmm...did we ever decide on satellite TV...or? And, we do have a digital set, right?

And...we HAVE to have a pool table ... and, of course, a swimming pool! :)
Digital TV is a MUST, along with high definition. I prefer plazma screens, as they display darker black tones, but you do need to watch out for burn-in.

As for a swimming pool, only if someone else will take it on as their job. We had a pool in our back yard for about 10 years, and I spent more time cleaning it and regulating the chemicals in it than actually swimming in it. The only reason we kept it as long as we did is that my daughter and her two cousins used it almost every day of the summer for many years. After they outgrew it, out it went! I may be the neighborhood "mad scientist" but it is with wires and antennas, not chemicals <g>.