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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Hi all,
I made it through all the tests!!!!!!
The angiogram was not a great test for me:eek:
They had cancelled the test the day of as my inr was 3.5 and felt even with
the heperin drip it was too dangerous for me to proceed that day.....WELL
SOMEHOW I DID PROCEED that day and had it done....BUT it was the worst
and they are looking into who went ahead and ordered the proceedure.
I bled on them terribly and caused a comotion in that cath lab...They were
so frightened as the bleed took into action i could feel the blood run under me
and smell blood,i turned my head as they told me i was bleeding profusely and
dropped afew crock tears on the floor i then saw the surgeon for cath put all his weight on to me his feet lifted off the floor,the pressure was unreal.
he stopped the proceedure till they controlled my bleed,and the nurse gave me ever so little giggle juice to calm my quiet dropping tears.He proceeded to get the wires in me and i looked at him ,he said were going all the way,asked if i was fine i said yes,but i said don't you guys sing or something around here ,it's just too serious please sing,happy sing or something,please!!!!
He proceeded and i could see my valves,then my coronary arteries and he started to sing,you are so beautiful to meeeeeeee,yelled at everyone to sing
and he grabbed my wrist and stopped singing and i could see a smile under his mask.He said you have the most beautiful arteries (look they'er clear
the best weve seen in a while) they all clapped and he checked the valves and wanted to plug me from this and get me to my room,said i did wonderfully:)
The test was done in the groin area after unconsidering the wrist said not good to go into my tiny wrist.

My cardio came up later wanting to know if i knew who ordered the cath
after it was cancelled....sorry i didnot know and caused a commotion as to someone being in wrong for this,even today as i left they are still looking into it as this was serious,I have bruised terribly from where the wires entered to
the bottom of knee today the bruising has entered half my leg,it is dark black and at times it feels numb till i get up and move around.
It looks like iv'e been hit by a bus,i have a limp it is sore and sleeping is difficult.:( The plug at times when i walk feels like a ball joint if you can understand my explanation here,it rubs and feels like it moves around.
The heprin was removed at 2pm today my inr is at 2.6 and they feel very confident that i was using my own coagulant machine and dosing self with warfarin,they were only gonna supervise my expertise,not take over and do it for me,I appreciated this and they were very impressed with results,let me come home,but conditions from my surgeon were i cannot return to work now with my leg the way it is and willnot return till surgery is complete end of oct.
Stairs are very difficult and or sitting and or walking too long,where all this bruising is tends to burn and burn till i move from an attended position be it sit or stand or walk,Tylenol for pain,my hubby and all who see my leg cringe at the sight of it,yet where the wires were put is fine no bleeding etc.
My dr cardio says the bruising well go all the way down like this to my foot
eventually and then disapear altogether,they say it could have been worse:eek:
Thats the scoop and iv'e lost 10 lbs and no med changes till surgery is done
at end of oct. no date as he will inform my doc here in town soon with date.
The trans echco went wonderfully no unexpected disrupts there.
I spoke to my surgeon for over two hrs. regarding valves etc and im alot more calmer upon decisions and sizes,but he's stated this 2nd surgery will be my last,i'm unable to be allowed further surgeries after this one he says because it would be too much on me and with all the tissue upon each surgery adds risks,he convinced me i have alot of years with the aortic valve yet and will be putting a st.jude valve in for mitral and this surgery will take 8 hrs he said and he doesn't do surgeries unless special cases such as mine arise ,so he said together he and i will become celebritys as i'm the youngest
cliental to already be famous with the aortic valve as well from 16 years ago
and assured me the surgeon back then knew what he was doing and made a fine effort to keep things running for 35 years.He's not fixing somethings that
isnot broke and working to expertise.He played my angiogram back explained things and the dangers of tisue each surgery and reminded me this will be the last surgery for me and that he will remain my doc. forever,because noones
messing with the good job he will perform on the mitral and will make it clear to my family doc also.SOOOOOOOOOOO that bout covers it for now on
this long update

I'd like to thank you all for answering my questions Freddie posted
All the thoughts and prayers :)God knows they helped I felt the presence
and Netmiff the calls from you were so welcoming,Freddie i'm apologising for
leaving you in a hot spot with posting my questions,you all did wonderful
The angels of vr Thank-you SOOOOOOOO much again
To my daughter Chelsey your beautiful,thanks hon,you too did great

zipper2 (DEB)
So sorry you had to go through that, Deb but doing the happy dance over the result. Sounds like you have a wonderful surgeon. Rest now and heal- you deserve it and let us know when you have the date.
Goodness, Deb, sorry about those harrowing experiences with the cath, but very glad that overall progress seems to be underway, and that you are at home, sweet home! Hope all continues to improve for you. Continuing to send best wishes and prayers....
Wow, what an ordeal.
My cath lab room was so quiet that I thought maybe I had croaked, of course I was kind of foggy from Ativan.
Isn't it nice to hear that you have "beautiful" arteries? Good for you!
Wow! What an ordeal! Glad you are home, now take good care of yourself. The journey is almost complete. I don't know if you would find this useful, but get someone to go to the vitamin store type place and see if they have something called Arnica Gel/Creme. It helped me with those huge bruises I had after my surgery. Again, God Bless You, I will keep you in my thoughts.:D
Zipper2, you did great. I probally would of done more then a few crock tears.:eek: Glad you are home and can recover from all that they did. You did good girl friend!!!:)
Oh, you poor dear! That must have been so scary, and now you are so very sore. Welcome home, indeed.

Cath bruises can be pretty bad anyway, but yours, wow. Please take good care of yourself, and get plenty of rest the next week or so until the bruises improve.
Hi Deb ~ Sorry to hear of the problems you had with your cath, but so glad you got the wonderful news that your arteries are clear.

Like the others said, rest, relax and i hope you feel better soon! My best wishes and prayers are with you. Take care, Dawn-Marie
Well got a call from Doctor Mcarthur today regarding appt
trying to fill in a sooner spot than end of oct.will call me
2 to 3 days to confirm.
Went to work presented my leave,till all is over and now i
feel like iv'e lost my right arm....omg what am i gonna do
all winter?:eek:Feeling lost already.
The leg is sore i'm limping,driving is okay but in and out of the
vehicle is insane pain for me,today the whole leg is purple and
black,from thigh to toes not a clear spot of normal skin,iv'e
never seen anything like it:( i look like the purple one legged
human being,saw my fam doc at 2:00 today,even he's shocked
never slept well at all as theres no where to comfort my leg in any
way,shape or form,can't do any stairs unless both feet hit step one
at a time,can't get anywhere in a hurry thats for sure.Inr hit 2.8
today so at least 8 mg again it is climbing the inr.The doc in alberta
said it would turn color the whole leg and it's normal,with the effect
of the bleed,i hope the vrs is better than the angiogram was.
surviving pain of the plug feeling with tylenol extra strenght and
is much worse with my in and out of car events today,laying down
is worse and dreading the bed tonight
Thanks for the vent everyone:(:(

zipper2 (DEB)
Zipper.... I feel so awful reading how sore you are. Is there no position where you can find comfort?

The good is to hear you have clean arteries but what a hard way to find out.
Hope your leg heals quickly and you are more comfortable very soon.
Hope you get some sleep tonight.
Hi Deb, I remember my first heart cath. The cath didn't go well, since the cardio performing it neglected to read my chart, so he blamed me for botching the cath since I'd had a blood clot in the early 80's in my right groin. Then yelled at me when he discovered that my left side was as bad, never considering that perhaps I had CTD with "tortured arteries". Anyway, as I was getting up on my feet to leave the hospital my left began to bleed out, the nurses put me back on the bed and the one reached in with both hands and pinched either end of the bleeder.

She held on for 20 minutes until she could let the lower end go, they then managed to sandbag and clamp the heart end without further spurting and I stayed for another 4 hours. I didn't leave the hospital until after 8pm and we'd been there since 530am. I had a big black and eggplant purple bruise from my ankle to my breast that went through all the technicolor changes for about 4 weeks. I didn't have quite the same discomfort as you're having but I hadn't been on ACT with an INR of 3.5 either.

I'm glad all is settled and that you're happy with the surgeon. I'm stunned that the Interventional Cardio proceeded after you'd been cancelled, maybe it was the same moron who didn't read my chart before cutting. It seems to be a trait of this particular man, according to the nurses. Difference is that my angio was completed at the Royal Alexandra Hospital back in Jan 2000 and was likely a different doc. Makes ya wonder though.

At any rate, if you'd like to set something up as far as a meeting around your surgery, either in or out, I can pm you with my phone number and such so that we can talk about it. I need to go to Edmonton a couple of times over the next month or so and I'll definitely be there for a couple of days the first week of November. If you get a date running into that week, book your hotel as soon as possible, it's Canadian Finals Rodeo and the rooms go fast as the event approaches. Your hubby may be able to stay at the Cross hostel, but look into it as a last resort, I don't think it's possible without the patient staying there, too and you'll be admitted :p I hope, for the week he'll want to be around.
Good to see you home again, zipper2. The day you were released, I called the hospital in the evening, but didn't post as I figured you would !

So sorry to hear you are still having problems from the angiogram. Could you try sleeping in a more sitting up position? might be a good idea to invest in a recliner if that is the case, as you could use it again after your surgery. It is good to know that the arteries are clear, though, and all they will have to do is the valve replacement (geesh, never thought I'd say ALL they have to do is VR!!!)